Sidrea Playlog

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sidrea12 - Snake in the Grass

The session begins with the companions a mile from the East Gate into Arthadan. Although the companions survived a deadly encounter with a demonic arachnid, it was a hard-fought victory and the group decided to rest and regroup prior to their attempt to infiltrate the city.

Using his rope-trick spell, Haeythir managed to create a safe area for the companions – where they rested for the night and recovered their magical abilities. The next morning, the companions approached the gate.

The walls of Arthadan are imposing – more than 40-feet tall, the gate is guarded by flanking towers. The sharp eyes of Haeythir and Dalrick picked out several lizardman sentries on the wall and within the guard tower.

It is clear that although the drawbridge is down, the gates are closed with a heavy iron portcullis.

After some argument, the group decided to send Dalrick and Zerkestor over the walls with invisibility and spider climbing. Once over the wall, Zerkestor will create a distraction while Dalrick locate and use the mechanism that would open the gates for the rest of the group to enter.

Dalrick managed to slip over the walls undetected. However, Zerkestor, walking toward the gate, clanking in his full-plate armor, immediately drew the guards’ attention. Although they could not see Zerkestor, they could hear him just fine.

While Zerkestor held the guards’ attention, Dalrick slipped into the guard station and found the mechanism that would open the gate. The lizardman had apparently jammed the cogs of the mechanism with a few small logs. Dalrick then moved to pull out one of the log. Only then did he notice, too late, a small rune carved on the log.

The rune of confusion took effect, and Dalrick first gibbered for a while, then ran out. Meanwhile, Zerkestor was fighting the two lizardman sentries. The might of Zethunor was with the cleric, as his mighty morning star sent one lizard man flying like a rag-doll, and hammered the second into the ground.

Meanwhile, Berek, waiting outside the city, was getting impatient. After seeing the sentries disappeared from the wall, he rushed forward. Utilizing the spider-climbing spell that Seleth (his cohort) had given him, he climbed over the wall. Then, he entered the guard station. Failing to detect the trap, Berek triggered the rune and was similarly confused.

Dalrick, by this time, was just behind Berek. Berek simply turned around and cut his companion down! Still under the effect of confusion, Berek then ran off gibbering.

Finally, Zerkestor arrived at the guard-station. The cleric managed to figure out the problem with the cogs and got the gates open. The companions then managed to enter the city.

Apparently, the companions made an incredibly astute move – for the entire area around the East Gate was lightly guarded. The lizard men sentries on the walls had been all the resistance that the companions encountered. Soon, the companions arrived near the Temple of Alioch – the Sword Saint and God of Military Expertise.

The entire temple was built like a fortress and there was a killing field around the temple, where no structures were built. The entire fortress was shielded with a glimmering field of dispel magic. Even as the companions watched, several squads of lizard-men rushed toward the temple, only to be incinerated by lightning bolts.

Realizing that they would be considered as enemies unless they prove themselves to the priests of Alioch, the companions sent Dalrick’s eagle ahead, carrying a note explaining their presence. Apparently the note was well received, for the companions managed to make safely into the walls of the fortress temple.

Once inside, the companions were escorted to the second level of the temple, into a grand council room, where they met the Delshan Oracle. The oracle turned out to be a tiny halfling woman named Oiolossa. The oracle revealed that her meeting the companions means that the time of the prophesy is now at hand.

She explained to the companions that they are the Godborn – those who descends from the younger gods and in whom, the divine power flows strongly. It was why the Atroans had picked them for their school – for the secret purpose of the school was to train and guard the godborns so that they may fight the enemy.

Haeythir is the godborn of Baccob – the uncaring archmage of the gods.
Soyoko is the godborn of Eleema – the goddess of night and dreams.
Berek is the godborn of Moradain – the god of dwarves and the soul forger.
Zerkestor is the godborn of Zethunor – the god of seas and weather.
Dalrick is the godborn of Trinity – of equal aspect of Pelor (Sun) / Eleema (Night) / Selene (Moon)

Together – the companions are the child of yesterday – who were foretold to be the champions that would protect the child beget of violence and lust (Amathyya). Only with the crowning of Amathyya – and her growing power with the Words of Creation could the mortal children of the younger gods (humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc.) stand against the re-awakening of Merrshaulk.

Merrshaulk will re-awaken in the next lunar eclipse, which is nearly a year away…

The oracle has apparently been eagerly awaiting the companions – for she mentioned that Dethira (the mistress of combat arts under whom the companions studied in the Atroan School) had been scrying upon the companions. This got the companions quite suspicious as Dethira entered the chamber with her escort – a big burly man named Valien.

The companion greeted Dethira and made some arrangement for the night when Valien leaned over to Dethira and whispered a few words.

Before anyone else could react, Dethira cast a spell and turned invisible. Valien then drew sword and charged the companions.

Things quickly went from bad to worse for the companions as Dalrick fell under Valien’s blade and Berek fell under Dethira’s domination spell and turned on his companions. Seleth, Berek’s follower, was slain by her own master’s sword. Haeythir made an attempt to defeat Dethira’s spell by using protection against evil to block out Dethira’s mental orders.

The companions managed to kill Valien. However, Dethira had summoned three fiendish dire wolves to her aid. She enlarged them and the wolves set upon the companions. Berek managed to take down two of the wolves before Dethira dispelled Haeythir’s protection from evil spell. Berek, once again, turned on his companions. Soyoko fell below Berek’s sword before Berek managed to gather enough will power to break the spell.

Dethira, however, then tossed a confusion spell into the middle of the companions. Both Haeythir and Berek were confused. Although the mage’s feeble melee attacks were of little concern, Berek’s attacks are another matter altogether.

Meanwhile, Soyoko had summoned a hell hound, whose scent ability finally pin-pointed Dethira’s location. Dalrick (who had been healed by Zerkestor and is now back on his feet) managed to put an arrow in the wizardess before turning around to see Berek bearing down on him.

Even as Dalrick went down, the table turned against Dethira, as Soyoko hurt her with a fireball. She fled out the room, with the hell hound on her tail. Zerkestor and Soyoko follow the hell hound, only to find the hell hound barking at a wall of force that Dethira used to ensure her escape.

Meanwhile, a gibbering Berek amidst dead bodies and smashed furniture greeted some Knights of the Sword that finally entered the council chamber…

The Knights of the Sword mounted a search of their fortress for the traitor, but found no trace of her. Dalrick, despite his tracking skills, also found no clue of her whereabouts.

Exhausted, the companions rested for the night – only to be greeted next morning with a new conundrum. The oracle had requested and received divine guidance regarding the whereabouts of the Serpent Gate that was teleporting the lizard men into the city. The reply was in the form of a riddle:
A mine shaft into the ground
That produces neither metal nor gem;
Yet at the seas where no oars dip,
Its produce is worth more than seams of gold.
By way of the mine-shaft in the temple of the prince of swords, thou should seek out the aid of the rock-eater.

What would the companions do next?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sidrea11 – Arthadan in Flames

The session begins where the adventure had left off last time – the companions had driven off the red dragon and saved their ship – although the rest of the flotilla had been destroyed. The companions had managed to rescue some of the sailor – and although the galley was damaged it soon managed to get underway.

Soon, it became apparent that not all is well is Arthadan – for the horizon glows red. Even more than a dozen miles away, one can see that Arthadan is in flames.

At first, the companions thought that the dragons they had encountered had burnt the city. Zerkestor, however, went among the fleeing refugees to gather more information. Soon, from the refugees’ tales, it became apparent that many lizard-like creatures had appeared in the city overnight – overrun most of the eastern half of the city and set it aflame.

While speaking with the refugees ashore, Zerkestor encounter a herald holding the banner of the Arch-duke Iorlas. He seems to have done some hard-riding and looks exhausted – but he asks Zerkestor to take him back to the ship, as he has a message for Alaurenz. Zerkestor agreed, and the herald was soon aboard the galley. The herald then gave Alaurenz a small package, upon opening the package, Alaurenz turned a pasty white.

Alaurenz then calmed himself and closeted himself with the herald for some moments before asking the companions to join them. Alaurenz then revealed that he is, in fact, Kailimos – the son of Arch-duke Iorlas. Kailimos had disguised himself as Embar Darokar’s assistant so that he might take a look and get to know his bride, the Countess Areth, before they’re wed.

The herald brought terrible news – the companions, apparently, were not the dragons’ main target. Instead the dragons’ main target was the Arch-duke Iorlas. Two great dragons assaulted the Arch-duke’s camp – scattering the ducal guards and burnt everything. The Arch-duke was torn apart by the dragons – and it was by the merest chance that one of his men was able to save the ducal signet.

Even as the companions drew apart to discuss this latest development in private, Kailimos seems troubled – and he was seen in an animated discussion with Amathyya.

Later on, as the companions’ discussion wind down, the herald once again asked the companions to attend Kailimos. There, in the ship’s cabinet, with the herald and the companions as witness, Kailimos swore fealty to Amathyya.

It was a day of couriers bearing ill news. Soon after the secret ceremony, another courier hailed galley and was brought on board. This courier was from Arthadan and sent to look for Kailimos – for much of Arthadan is now in enemy hands, including some of its strongest fortifications, and it would require careful navigation for the galley to reach Fort Shaehan, where most of the arch-duke’s remaining commanders are gathered.

The progress was slow and tortuous – it was late morning when the galley finally reached Fort Shaehan. There a military council was immediately held, where the companions attended as special advisors to the duke. Fear was and the duke’s commanders presented a grim picture.

The overall picture is grim: it seems clear that Count Ben-Edara, the ruler of northern Rondor, had been preparing for an attack for some time. For less than a week ago, his fleet had sailed across the Apella Cove and landed considerable forces just north of Arthadan. At the border, his troops also launched attack against two of the major towns. At Ginalla, the northerner were beat back with heavy loses, but Thanil – one of the city that was declared a safe-haven for elven refugees from the north, is now besieged.

Closer to home, the picture is grimmer still. Thousands of lizard-men had somehow made their way into the city of Arthadan. Most of the eastern city – including the ducal palace, had been overrun. The naval yard is still held by a combination of what’s left of the ducal guards and some marine detachments. Unfortunately, the enemies have taken Fort Phelian – a fortress with special long range trebuchets. With Fort Phelian in enemy hands, most of the fleet is now bottled up in the naval yard.

In addition to the naval yard, it seems that the Knights of the Cudgel (the worshippers of St. Cuthbert) and Knight of the Sword (the worshippers of Alioch) had both held onto their temples.

The military commanders proposed to assault Fort Phelian. For without the fleet, the supply line of the enemy legions that landed in southern Apella Cove cannot be cut. Without cutting the supply line of those enemy troops, they will soon march south and take Arthadan. The loss of the ducal capital will likely spell the collapse of the entire duchy and victory for Ben-Edara.

The commanders of the forces within the city, however, propose to drive back the bridgehead that the enemy has established in the western half of the city prior to anything else.

After a great deal of discussion, the companions decided to do what they can in aid of the bridgehead situation. After which, they will sneak to the eastern shore at some point north of the city – then doubling back, they will sneak into the city from its eastern walls, where there is likely to be fewer enemies.

At Fort Shaehan, the companion also picked up an unlikely ally. Apparently, a female human mage named Seleth had been having strange dreams. When she encountered Berek in the castle hallways, she immediately recognized him as someone from her dreams. Uncertain what to make of it, she decided that she would join with the companions for some time to see how things would develop…


The companions arrived at the bridge-head just as a fresh unit of lizard-men began their assault. It was soon clear that the companions had arrived just in time, for the elite lizard-men warriors, supported by their shamans, were cutting through the badly depleted human soldiers.

Berek, Soyoko and Seleth took the right flank. Haeythir and Zerketor took the center, while Dalrick decided that his archery would enable him to hold the left by himself.

The battle started off well enough. Soyoko’s confusion spell completely disrupted the lizard-men’s assault on the right as the lizard-men started attacking each other. Haeythir’s empowered acid ball stalled the lizard-men’s attack in the center – and Dalrick shot a lizard-men right through the head.

However, the battle soon grew dangerous – a sleep spell from the lizard-men shaman put the human troops to sleep as a fireball burst around the tower where Haeythir stood.

A clever shaman then conjured a mist around Dalrick – neutralizing his deadly archery.

In both the right flank and the center, the companions were able to neutralize the enemy shaman and destroy their elite troops. On the left flank, however, Dalrick soon find himself surrounded by lizard-men. Berek rushed to his aid from the right flank, but a lucky blow from a lizard-man grievously wounds the warrior.

Eventually, the companions were able to overcome the lizard-men – just in time as the reinforcement came up and drove the discouraged lizard-men back to the bridge.

Having halted the lizard-men’s advance toward the western portion of the city, the companions now proceeded with their plan.


The companions managed to cross the river and land at the north side of the city without any through. They then managed to double back toward the eastern walls of the city. Half-way through the journey, Berek suddenly got a feeling that someone is looking at him. The companions fan out in search of someone invisible, but did not find anyone.

Then, some time later, just as the companions approached the eastern gate, a few of the companions caught sight of something silvery that dropped from the sky and landed about twenty feet in front of the companions.

Dalrick rushed forward to engage it. Berek was frightened and dashed backwards. Then there was a brief shimmer and a enormous hideous spider with poisonous fangs materialized where the silvery object had landed.

It immediately bit Dalrick and the ranger screamed as it injected him with its deadly venom. Its claws struck the ranger, holding him in its deadly embrace.

The companions rallied to attack the deadly arachnid. However, it suddenly disappeared – taking Dalrick with him. Then it reappeared amidst the companions, dropping an unconscious Dalrick behind it.

Seleth was bitten and fell. Haeythir was grappled and once again vanished with the arachnid. However, when the dreadful arachnid returned, dropping a nearly dead Haeythir before it, the remaining companions were ready for it – finally vanquishing it.

As the arachnid collapsed with the final blow, it disappeared in a cloud of foul vapor – only leaving behind a silvery cloak clasp. Upon close examination, one can see that the cloak clasp is shaped like a spider shaped cloak clasp and is now broken.

It was only later, once Dalrick and Haeythir were revived that the companions discovered the creature to be a bebilith – a demonic spider. This particular one is strange though, as it possesses the ability to teleport into a pocket dimension where time travels quickly – enabling its poison to act quickly.

All of which leaves the question of who knew of the companions’ whereabouts and could command such a creature against them?

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sidrea10b - White and Red

Following the various warning signs that there is something amiss on the river, the companions decided to gather more information ashore as they proceeds down the river. Soyoko was sent on the small one person skiff to a small fishing village just downstream. At the village, Soyoko talked to a blacksmith and found out that there isn’t much unusual going on around the village except that the local guardsmen are hanging a poacher. The blacksmith, however, believes that the poacher should not be hung.

The law is that the poaching of a first deer will result in a fine. The second deer will result in prison time. The third deer will result in hanging. The guards had found two deer torn apart in the woods and were uncertain of what had happened. They then managed to catch this boatman poaching and blamed the death of all three deer on him. So they are hanging him.

Soyoko went to the hanging and talked to the magistrate on the boatman’s behalf. The magistrate agrees to postponed the hanging and provide the guides to the places where they had buried the deer. Several other companions then joined Soyoko in the investigation. They found that the first deer seems, in fact, to have been torn apart by ghouls. The second deer seems to have been bit in half. The slight sulfurous smell and a faint footprint nearby indicate that the creature might have, indeed, been a legendary red dragon.

The companions then went to the magistrate with the results of the investigation. The word that evidence points to undead being close to his town shocked the magistrate. He rewarded the companions with a masterwork silvered quarterstaff for their efforts – and the boatman’s sentence was reduced to the fine for the single deer which he poached.

Zerkestor is worried after been confronted by hard evidence that a legendary dragon might be allied against the companions. Casting Divination, Zerkestor asked for guidance from his god, the Surf Raiser. The Surf-Raiser told Zerkestor to “purchase the purple potions in the village.”

Zerkestor went to the local apothecary, and sure enough, the herbalist had some purple potions for sale. The herbalist wasn’t sure what the potions were, but it had been left to him by his father. Following some haggling, the companions bought the half-dozen of bubbling purple potions in ceramic jars.

In the early evening of the same day, the party proceeded down river and entered an foggy area. From the fog, a water nymph approached the flotilla. Asking for Amathyya, the nymph told them that she bears a warning for the companions. Apparently, the nymph knew of Amathyya and the companions’ role in lifting the curse of Ghostwoods – so she thought to help the companions out. She told the companions that many dozens of undead waits for them downstream, led by a lone horseman whose steed can stride atop of water.

The companions thanked the nymph and proceed to prepare for the attack.

Berek suspects that the lone horseman was none other than Caelin – the priest of Nerull who was killed by the companions and then returned as a death-knight.

The ships of the flotilla moved to the northern bank with the galley the party is staying on leading. Pickets were sent out to give advance warning. Shortly after midnight, however, a dense fog moved in – limiting vision to less than twenty feet. Then, around 2am, some of the companions picked on heads bobbing on the river – the lacedons, or aquatic ghouls are coming.

Support the assault are strange ghouls with spells stitched into their skins. As fireballs burst atop the ships, the ghouls swarmed aboard. Although the marines of the ship and the countess’ elite guards suffered heavy casualties, the companions were able to destroy many of the ghouls. A quick glimpse in the direct of the yacht, however, showed the companions that things were not going so well there…

However, the companions’ success had drawn the attention of the leader of the ghouls. Atop his skeletal horse, Caelin, the priest of Nerull turned death-knight appeared. Seeing the companions and realizing that the companions must be guarding the real countess, Caelin immediately commanded his ghoul horde to assault the ship the companion is on.

A single confusion spell from Caelin disabled Zerkestor, Haeythir, several marines, and elite bodyguards. As Berek rushed forward against the death-knight he was held helpless in paralysis. However, the table soon turned against the ghoul horde. Even as Berek snapped out of the hold person spell, Dalrick came to the aid of the other companions. Caelin was wounded by Berek and finished off by Haeythir’s spell. With their leader dead, the ghouls fled – only to be mopped up by Soyoko’s spells.

It was a hard-fought battle but the companions had won the day. They had little time to savor their victory, however, as they made emergency repairs to the ships and continued downstream…

The next day, the flotilla was reinforced by two other galleys. During the night, the flotilla had passed the sandbar that separates the upper Arlog River from the lower. The reinforcements were shocked by the damage they saw on the ships – for most had thought this to be a routine escort mission. Embar summoned all the captains, however, and impressed on them the severity of the situation.

The companions were in a separate, private conference when Embar and the captains of the other ships knocked on the door. Apparently there was something that they wish to discuss with the companions. Once the door is closed, the senior captain, named Captain Orvyn, confronted Amathyya as to her identity. Once his suspicion is confirmed, the captain revealed that Amathyya is indeed the lost daughter of Thimmon IV. (See subsequent post on the story of Captain Orvyn). Captain Orvyn gave Amathyya the Jasper Amulet – one of the items traditionally carried by the heir to the Jasper Throne.

Still mulling over this last bit of news, the companions realized that their mission is now even more critical then ever, for not only does their little ship contain the Countess Areth, but Amathyya – the true heir to the Empire.

Once again, Zerkestor sought guidance from his god, Zethunor, asking him whether the companions should sally forth to find and take out the dragon directly, rather than waiting with the flotilla. The answer the came, however, was surprising – “The dragons shall come to you.”

Stunned by the revelation, the companions decided to make best speed down river. Yet, that very night, as Dalrick patrolled the deck he saw dark shapes blotting out the starry sky and approaching – “DRAGONS!” The yell went aboard…

Three shapes approached at a rapid speed – two larger dragons and a smaller one. Dalrick’s arrows had little effect against the dragon’s tough hides. As the black shadow of the dragons flitted across the ship, a terrible fear grabbed the hearts of stout warriors. Whether sailors, marines, or elite guardsmen, the soldiers abandoned their posts and dove into the river. Even some of the companions were shaken by the terrible presence of the dreadful creatures.

The dragons breathed on the two reinforcing galleys and the yacht, only skipping the ship that the companions were on. The companions had, by this time, downed the purple potion (it turned out to be potions of fire energy protection) and sought to confront the dragons.

Berek aided by his haste spell struck at the largest dragon and manage to hurt it somewhat. The dragon, however, was unfazed by Berek and its breath burnt right through the fire protection on Berek. The dragon then roared something in draconic (which only Haeythir understood): “Gamaliel, finish these off – we have business further north.” The two larger dragons then turned north.

Dalrick and Berek then rushed to the rear of the ship as the smaller dragon now turned toward the companions. Berek, once again, was held by a spell cast by one of the departing dragons. Like the mighty creature it is, the dragon shrugged off the spells from various casters and took Dalrick down in a single round. The companions dodged aside as the dragon bore down on them.

Berek went down before the dragon’s fiery breath, but Soyoko managed to score several rays of enfeeblement on the dragon – greatly reducing its melee capability. Finally between the acid blasts from Haeythir and Berek’s blade, the dragon has had too much. It fled, flying north and cursing the companions – roaring that it will long remember them.

The companions look around, and the damage from the battle was everywhere. All of the other ships had been burnt to the waterline by the dragon fire. The bodies of the dead and dying from the other ships are everywhere. Nevertheless, despite of everything, the companions survived and even managed to drive off a dragon.

Embar Darokar, the spymaster who had hired the companions is dead. Zerkestor opened Embar’s last letter, which he had given to Zerkestor in case of something happening to him. The letter revealed that the Atroans had been trying to support various Rondor nobles against Ben-Edara. Within the letter, Embar asked the companions to continue his work. Finally Embar wrote that the companions can re-unite with the other Atroans at the House of the Sword Saint.

Seeing the wreckage around them, the companions did what they could and rescued the survivors off the other ship and repaired their own badly battered galley. At a greatly slowed pace, they proceeded down river during the night. However, it was clear that something is wrong…

As they grew closer to Arthadan, they could see the city outlined by fire in the horizon – Arthadan is in flames…

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Sidrea10a - The Watery Road

Realizing that the enemies will probably attack them on the journey to Arthadan, Embar Darokar approached the companions and once again, asked for their aid in the journey there. In addition to asking the companions to protect the Countess, the spymaster also asked the companions to protect Alaurenz. Apparently Alaurenz is both the spymaster’s assistant as well as his pupil. Indeed, the spymaster said that should something happen to him, Alaurenz will be authorized to take over his position.

Given the demonstrated competence of the companions, Embar also asked for their counsel on rearranging the security in the journey south.

After some discussion, the companions decided that the countess should be traveling with them, undercover, on a military galley. Behind the galley will be the luxury yacht that will serves as bait. The companions also made careful watch schedule so that at least a few of them is always on hand guarding both the countess and Alaurenz.

To maintain the illusion that the countess is on the luxury yacht, Embar will not be traveling with the companions on the galley, but will be on the yachet instead.

The journey will be crossing more than two hundred miles and is expected to take four full days.

Shortly after the journey began, Alaurenz sought each of the companions out and asked them of their thoughts on the Empire of Rondor, the current succession crisis, and what their view is of the future of the empire. Each of the companions gave their own diverse and honest opinion on their view of the subject matter. Alaurenz seems to be quite thoughtful as he mulled over the companions’ words.

The afternoon of the first day, the galley encountered a barge heading upstream. The barge was apparently run by the Riverfolk – some halflings who make their living running cargoes up and down the Arlog River.

Zerkestor took out a boat and visited the halflings for a chat. The halflings were quite friendly. When questioned as to anything unusual, the halfling mentioned that his wife saw some sort of big flying creature overhead yesterday. It really frightened her – whatever the creature is.

The halfling also mentioned that his cousin does some trading further downstream of the river and that he hasn’t heard from his cousin for sometime now. Finally, it seems that in this season, it is not unusual for patches of fog to form along the river, so that companions should take that into account.

Bidding the friendly halflings farewell, Zerkestor returned to the galley, and the journey continued.

That night, around 3am in the morning, the galley came across a barge of some sort.

After some investigation, the companions found evidence that the barge was attacked by a half dozen or so of aquatic ghouls (also known as lacedons). Apparently, the boatman in the barge was surprised by the lacedons, who climbed onboard the barge and surprised him. All that was left of the boatman is a torn off hand, badly chewed.

Uncertain as what to make of this new threat, the companions continue to head downstream on the Arlog River…

Sidrea09b - Hidden Games, Part 2

The last session left the companions outside the Chessboard Inn – trying to find a way to enter the private room and discover what the courtesan Morgiana had discovered that caused her to be killed on the yacht.

The companions are aided in their endeavor by Vera – a freelance thief who had worked with Morgiana. From Vera, the companion received a copy of the key that will open the private room.

After some discussion, the companions decided that they’ll first spend sometime to see if there is actually anyone inside the private room. It is fortunate that the companions took to time to scope out the place – as they soon found that there are the occasional suspicious figures that slip into the room.

The companions then decided to wait until the inn closes before trying to break into the private room. Due to the curfew on the city – the inn is closing early around the 10th night-bell. After some initial scouting by Dalrick, everyone was waiting as they finally opened the door to the private room in the Chessboard Inn.

The companions easily overwhelmed the single guard in the first room. However, Haeythir grew overconfident and charged into the second room – to find himself surrounded by four more members of the thieves’ guild. A quick rapier thrust later, the hapless mage is down in a pool of blood.

The thieves, however, were no match for the heroes and they were systematically cut down. The heroes also managed to interrogate the one of the thieves to realize that there is a trap on the staircase down. The heroes barely managed to discover this by sending some summon creatures ahead of them – triggering the trap.

In the rooms below the Chessboard Inn – the companions discover a large storage area where apparently part of the thieves’ guild operates from. Crates of various contrabands filled the area. It seems that most of the thieves were out conducting their “business” in the wee hours – and the companions choose a fortuitous time to break-in.

Haeythir’s heightened sense for the arcane enabled the companions to immediately home in on a corner of the warehouse. There, the companions discovered a great deal of dried blood, strange arcane scripts on the floor, and a faint aura of necromancy. A quick study of the writing gave Haeythir a sense that there was a dark ritual involving the consumption of body parts performed here. There were also three great wooden crates with blood-stains.

The first crate contains the headless corpse of a shape-shifter in the uniform of one of the Countess’ bodyguards. The companions believe this to be the bodyguard who escaped from the yacht – it explains why Haeythir’s subsequent scry attempts have only revealed blackness.

The second crate contains the corpse of a gnome – the gnome named Zook Procket, whom the companions had met as the Countess’ security adviser during the reception on the yacht. The back portion of the gnome’s head had been cut open and his brain is missing.

The last crate contains the corpse of an unknown woman – by her dress, a common prostitute. Similar to the gnome, the back of the prostitute’s head had been cut open and her brain is missing.

Upon seeing the corpses, Haeythir realized that the doppelgangers were practicing a dark ritual that enabled them to steal their victims’ memories through the consumption of their victims’ brains.

Details search of the warehouse by Berek and Dalrick also uncovered a cache of paper along with books of cipher. When the two were used together, a frightful pattern is revealed. Apparently the doppelgangers were part of the yuan-ti’s plans to ensure that Rondor remains mired in civil war so that it can not interfere with what the yuan-ti’s planned in the south.

Some details of the plan including having the doppelgangers disguised as prostitutes so that it would be easier for them to move around and have visitors. Disguised as prostitutes, the doppelgangers then took Zook Procket and some of the countess’ bodyguards unawares.

Given the information, Haeythir conjectured that Morgiana must have found Zook Procket’s body. Seeing that the fake Zook Procket was at the reception, she was unable to impart the information to Embar Darokar, but choose instead to ask him to meet her after the reception. Morgiana, however, was unaware that the doppelgangers also possessed the power to detect surface thoughts. This meant that the doppelganger disguised as Zook Procket actually read Morgiana’s mind and knew of her discovery. While the countess’ fake bodyguards were trying to kill the countess and Embar, the fake Zook went to the rear of the ship and killed Morgiana – dumping her body overboard.

Having reached the end of their investigation, the companions rushed back to Embar Darokar, where they were told that the fake Zook Procket is visiting Lord Cormur. Along with fifty guards, the companions rushed to the mayoral mansion where they discovered Lord Cormur lying on the floor and a gnome gloating over him.

Then, before the eyes of several companions, the gnome changed shape to a familiar monk – one of the assassins who had nearly killed the companions in Averdale. Laughing at the companions, the monk dashed out of the window to tumble safely to the ground below.

Block aside the arrows from the guards with his bare hands, the monk ran away at an incredibly speed. Despite the use of Dalrick’s eagle companion and Zerkestor’s flight magic, the monk managed to elude the companions in the alleys of the city. However, the monk’s very haste was his undoing, as several patrols of the city watch mentioned seeing the monk rushing toward the dock district.

The companions rushed to the docks, only to find the monk arguing with the assistant harbor master. Seeing the companions, the monk decked the assistant harbor master and dashed toward his boat.

The companions tried shoot at the monk, but between his incredible movement and his ability to block the arrows, the monk only suffered a scratch or two. Zerkestor, however, managed to teleport himself and Soyoko right next to the little boat that the monk was trying to get to.

Soyoko used his anchoring token to anchor the monk’s boat – preventing his escape. The monk, realizing that his escape route is cut off, decided to fight to the death. A flurry of fists and kicks knocked Soyoko sprawling on the ground. However, the monk then turned to face a Zerkestor boosted by the magic of Zethunor.

Several rounds of blows were exchanged, and though it was a close thing, the cleric did manage to knock out the doppelganger monk.

On the monk, the companions discovered details descriptions of the security arrangements for the Countess’ travel. Apparently, the doppelganger intends to give these plans to his superiors so that they will again try for the Countess’ life.

Congratulating themselves over a job well done, the companions returned to Embar Darokar, only to find that Haeythir is being sued. Apparently, Haeythir’s placing of a lesser geas on Edric Farlane, the administrator of the Imperial Armory, did not go unnoticed. Edric Farlane managed to get the geas removed (although he had already released most of his elven slaves by then), but then turned around to sue Haeythir for the cost of the removal of the geas, as well as price of the released slaves – in total, 5000gp.

Trying to protect the companions, Embar Darokar chose to aid the companions for half the amount – deducting 2500gp from Haeythir’s promised reward.

For a moment, the companions bask in the glory of having solved a complex murder and preventing the ring of doppelganger spies in Jharuel from accomplishing their mission.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sidrea09a - Hidden Games, Part 1

For the first time in months since the companions' escape from the fall of the Monastery-College of Atroa they felt at peace. The once cursed Ghostwoods now bloomed forth with the myriad shades of spring green. The mornings are filled with the beautiful songs of the dryads and the heroes spent many nights among giggling pixies next to a campfire.

Yet, even as the companions regain their strength from the ravages of yuan-ti poison and their minds absorb the lore of the ancient grey elves, it occured to them that soon they would need to move on.

For war and hatred yet rage outside the bounds of Ghostwoods – and there is still a long road ahead of them. Amidst the farewells from Larkel, the dryads, the nymphs, the treants, and the pixies, our heroes departed from the forest toward Jharuel.

Jharuel is situated at the head waters of the mighty river Arlog. Many streams, fed by the snow atop the Pindaer Mountains, join here to form the river. As the terrain around here is steep, the streams form many water falls. Since ancient times men, gnomes, and dwarves have built mills here to harness the power of the waterfalls.

Eventually, many of these mills were collected together to form the Imperial Armory, where countless weapons and armors are produced. Acknowledging the power inherent in control of the armory, Jharuel is administered directly by an appointed representative of the emperor, instead of being held by a noble as a fief.

Today, in the middle of the civil war, the city is ruled by its mayor, Lord Cormur, in loose alliance with the Arch-duke Iorlas. It also turned out that Lord Cormur is the one whom Berek is suppose to deliver a message to – the dying message from the dwarf Almir Stonebeard.

As the companions entered the city, they heard the announcement from the town crier that a curfew is now imposed on the city from 10th night-bell to 5th day-bell. Apparently the countess of Gwaeden, Areth, will soon be arriving in town. The countess is on her way to Arthadan, where she will marry the ducal heir – Kailimos.

Meanwhile, Haeythir’s sharp elven eyes caught a poster on the bill-board with the likeliness of the companions sketched up it. Apparently, the lawmen from Averdale had been here, and had put up wanted signs for the companions, with a hefty award of 5,000gp to anyone whose information leads to the apprehension or death of the companions.

Fearful of being discovered, the companions disguised themselves and made straight for the mayor’s office.

At the mayor’s office, they first met Lord Cormur, who was grave when he heard about the death of Almir Stonebeard. Then, the companions were introduced to Lord Cormur’s adviser, who is none other than Embar Darokar – the Atroan contact that the companions are supposed to meet (see Sidrea01).

Embar Darokar is an elderly man who is both an alumnus of the Atroan school and the spymaster for the arch-duke Iorlas. He told the companions that somehow the enemies had realized that the Atroans intend to regroup at the Delshan Oracle. Not long ago, the oracle was attacked by the cultists of Merrshaulk and destroyed. The few surviving Atroans had retreated to Arthadan.

[Berek realized belatedly that he had given this information to the Merrshaulk cultists under torture...]

Embar has been waiting for the companions for some time now, and it is a stroke of fortune for him to encounter the companions in Jharuel. Embar is here to arrange the security of the countess. Embar suggests that the companions travel with him to Arthadan by river - it will be faster - enabling them to bypass the various toll gates of the local nobles along the river.

When the companions agreed, Embar also asked if they would help him with security. For the companions clearly have capabilities which is beyond his resources, and it would help a great deal if they were willing to aid him. Embar is willing to pay the companions each 5,000gp, with 1,000gp upfront, if the companions agree.

After some discussion, the companions agreed, Embar gave them the gold, offered them free lodging at the Golden Lion Inn (one of the best inns in the city), and told them that they are invited to the dinner reception for the countess three days from now. A page will be sent to deliver the invitations to the companions, and the party should probably buy something suitable to wear.

In the three days before the reception, the companions took the opportunity to do some shopping in the city, and crafted some magic items. In addition, the party also purchased suitable clothes for the dinner reception.

The night came and following the directions in the invitation, the companions arrived at a private pier, where they were led to a luxurious yacht upon which the reception is held.

On the yacht, the companions are introduced to Alaurenz, who shared their cabin. Alaurenz is apparently a young man from a minor noble family in Arthadan and the assistant to Embar Darokar.

During the first part of the reception, when the companions mingled with the guests, Haeythir overheard a few bits of gossip – including the grisly murder of some prostitutes in the city and the rumored sighting of a dragon. Zerkestor also overheard some speculations about Count Ben-Edara (the ruler of northern Rondor) recruiting hobgoblin mercenaries becaue he is growing weaker as well as a fire in the city last night that burnt a tavern to the ground.

Finally, there was a discussion on the fact that elven slaves have flooded the market. Edric Farlane, who is the administrator of the Imperial Armory, interjected that he believes the empire had been too soft on the elves. Zook Procket, a well dressed gnome and adviser of the countess, disagreed with Edric, saying that family and kin should not be split apart and sold, even if they are elves.

Although the companions did nothing at the time, Haeythir was clearly unhappy with the words of Edric Farlane.

Meanwhile, So’yoko and Dalrick, suspecting that there might be poison slipped in among the food, went to the kitchen. In the kitchen, the ill-behaved pair was caught tasting the various dishes. The greatly annoyed chef then threw out the two trespassers.

At the last, the countess appeared; Countess Areth of Gwaeden looks to be a young woman in her early twenties with dark red hair who looked resplendent in her bejeweled gown.

Shortly after the countess’s appearance, dinner was served. The companions were seated at a table with Alaurenz, served by a comely courtesan named Isidora. The food was like nothing the party has ever tasted: the dishes were exquisite and tasted marvelous. Over dinner, some companions caught Alaurenz staring at the table where the countess sat.

Thinking that Alaurenz was staring at the beautiful courtesan at the main table, Isidora then mentioned that the courtesan at the high table is the famous Morgiana – perhaps the best dancer in the Jharuel. Shortly, as desserts and savors were brought out, the courtesans retired – only to reappear in their dance costumes.

The dance was a magnificent affair with the dancers twirling their semi-transparent silk scarves in the air. As the scarves flowed in the air like wisps of cloud, the gorgeous dancer moved gracefully to the rhythm. Amidst them all is Morgiana – whose dance moves looked beautiful, perfect and effortless. The entire performance was further enhanced with magical effects that gave it an ethereal feel.

The gathered guests applauded after the performance and the countess was so impressed that she gave one of her rings to Morgiana. Then, the countess pleaded fatigue from her long journey prior and thanked everyone for making her feel welcome in Jharuel. She then retired to her quarters.

As the guests dispersed, the companions wandered around, some of them went forward, where Embar Darokar was speaking with Alaurenz. Then suddenly there was a woman’s scream from the upstair suite where the countess was staying.

So’yoko turned around – only to find one of the countess’s bodyguards bearing down on him. What ensued was a fight between the countess’s bodyguards and the companions. There were four of these bodyguards: two of them seem to be trying to kill Embar Darokar, while the other two seem to be after the countess.

The companions managed to defeat the bodyguards and save the lives of the countess and Embar Darokar. Three of the bodyguards were dead, but the last escaped by jumping overboard. Dalrick was grievously hurt and Berek was paralyzed for a while. Looking over the bodies after the fight, the companions realize that the these probably weren’t the real bodyguards, as their remains reveal them to be some sort of shapeshifters.

Near the end of the fight, Haeythir was at the rear of the ship and thought he saw some movement and heard a splash. Look overboard, he found the submerged body of the courtesan Morgiana. Apparently Morgiana had been killed and dumped overboard. The long silk scarf from her dance costume, however, was tangled on the railings of the ship, and her body was dragged along the ship's wake.

Haeythir thought he saw someone moving away from the rear of the ship, but found no one.

When the companions reported back to Embar, he was quite upset that Morgiana is dead. Taking the companions aside, Embar revealed that Morgiana was one of his agents, who had been sent to Jharuel sixteen months ago. Over dinner, Morgiana had whispered to him that she had something urgent to tell him and that they need to meet afterward.

Now someone had killed Morgiana and it is important that the murderer be found to determine whether Morgiana had been killed to keep her silent, and if so, what was she going to say?

Embar Darokar realizes that given the assassinations tonight, he will have his hands full trying to re-arrange all the security around the countess and to keep the wedding on schedule. He asks the companions to look into the murder of Morgiana and find her murderer.

The companions examine the body and found that it was bloodless – someone had killed Morgiana with his or her bare hands. The companions tried to interview most of the guests, the crew members, and even the kitchen staff on-board, but no one seemed to have seen anything and no one else could be detected as another shapeshifter.

[Haeythir took the opportunity to exact a bit of justice on Edric Farlane by putting a geas on him to free all of his elven slaves.]

The companions also found a slip of paper with some cryptic writing on the body – it’s not clear what the writing meant.

As soon as the yacht reached shore, the companions went to Morgiana’s lodge-house. There they found that Morgiana’s room had already been ransacked. However, among the contents, they found stacks of letters from Morgiana’s admirers, including several ardent letters from Edric Farlane.

The companions also discovered Morgiana’s account books, where she kept detail accounts of her income and expenses. It seems that she frequently visits three places: the Silver Swan (a salon / spa), the Filigree (an expensive restaurant), and the Chessboard (an upscale inn).

While at Morgiana’s residence, the companions also interviewed Morgiana’s housemates – the courtesan named Isidora (who had served the party dinner) and a wild-elf dancer named Lailandra. The party found that courtesans sell their company and their performances but not their favors. Edric Farlane apparently had been after Morgiana for some time now, but Morgiana dislikes him and has managed to keep him at an arm’s length.

Isidora also recall seeing Morgiana with a tall, dark-skinned woman playing chess at the Chessboard Inn. This is strange, as Morgiana is not known to take female clients.

At dawn, Zerkestor called upon the power of his god and spoke with the spirit of Morgiana. Apparently, Morgiana did not see who killed her. However, Morgiana’s spirit did reveal that the cryptic writing she had is a combination of chess moves that will open a secret door. Morgiana also mentioned that she was going to tell Embar Darokar that the countess’s security had been infiltrated. Finally, the name of the dark skinned woman is Vera.

After delivering the body to Embar Darokar and receiving a writ indicating that they have the authority to investigate this murder, the companions decide to proceed to the Chessboard Inn to see what they can discover.

The Chessboard Inn turned out to be a very upscale inn with chess décor throughout. The companions talk to a few employees of the inn, but mostly confirmed what they knew already. Haeythir ended up playing chess with a professional player at the inn and found out that Morgiana was an excellent chess player and frequently played with her clients at the inn.

The professional player also indicated that he didn’t know anyone by the name of Vera. Haeythir bought a book on how to play chess form the player, and it turned out that the moves Morgiana indicated were known as a “Fool’s Mate” – something that even the most amateurish chess players would avoid.

The companions searched through quite a few places in the inn, trying out the “Fool’s Mate” on many chessboards but did not find any secret door.

As the companions exit the inn, however, Haeythir’s sharp eyes caught the professional chess player whom he had played chess with speaking with a tall, dark-skinned woman. When the two realized that Haeythir had seen them, the dark-skinned woman took off running.

Eventually, the companions managed to chase down the dark-skinned woman. Haeythir cast Charm Person on the woman and it did wonders for her attitude toward the companions.

The dark-skinned woman did turn out to be Vera, who was helping Morgiana. Vera revealed that the Chessboard Inn is one of the fronts for the thieves’ guild in Jharuel. For some reason Morgiana wanted to break into the private room of the Chessboard Inn and sought Vera's help.

Vera is a freelancer thief (who doesn’t particularly like the thieves’ guild) and managed to steal a key from the thieves guild. Vera then made a mold of the key and returned original. This key opens the doors to the private rooms of the Chessboard Inn. Vera made a copy of the key for Morgiana.

Something happened last night that caused uproar in the thieves’ guild. Vera suspects that it might be something Morgiana did, but wasn’t sure. Then her contact (the man whom Haeythir ended up playing chess with) told her that there were people looking for her, Vera figures that her game is up and tried to run-away.

Vera still possesses the mold she used to make the key for Morgiana. If the companions wish it, she could make another copy of the key for them.

It seems that the obvious next step for the companions is to break into the private room of the Chessboard Inn and discover what Morgiana had found for themselves…

Monday, November 29, 2004

Sidrea08b - Cacophony (Into the Ghostwoods, Part 2)

Having destroyed the troll guards earlier, the companions stood at the entrance of the troll mound, peering into the darkness of the caves beyond, uncertain as to what to do.

Further into the cavern the companions could see grisly troll decorations. Bones of every size and description – some chewed on, some yellow with age – have been piled outside the main passage south. Humanoid skulls have been strung upon vines to form several horrid “bead curtains” of sorts that covers the passage ways. A pole stood next to one of the passages with jawbones dangling from it. Finally, as if to cap the nightmarish scene, there was writing upon the wall in dried blood. Crudely formed letters of the language of giants proudly pronounced the word “Jawbreakers” upon the wall. Apparently, the companions have entered the caves of the Jawbreakers troll clan.

Meanwhile, Haeythir had found an uncut jasper gem with a rough vine loop that formed a necklace on one of the vanquished trolls. Although the gem radiated magic, Haeythir was uncertain as to exactly what it is.

Since the companions have no wish to tangle with the trolls unnecessarily, Zerkestor sought to confirm that the kala ng’ande (harp of light) is indeed in the caves. Calling upon the aid of the Surfraiser, Zerkestor cast the spell locate object which confirms that there is indeed a harp inside the troll mound to the south of the companions.

Even as Zerkestor tried to divine the whereabouts of the harp, the other companions could hear the sounds of many trolls just beyond the “bead curtains.” It is clear that the trolls have grown suspicious of the ceasing of the sounds of battle and that their guards have failed to return. Realizing that the companions would not be able to face off many trolls, Haeythir quickly used his rope trick spell to create a pocket of extra-dimensional space where the companions hid.

Hidden by Haeythir’s spell, the companions watched as more than a dozen trolls rushed out to find the charred remains of their guards. Furious, a pair of trolls dashed outside to search for the companions beyond the cave. Three new trolls took up position at the entrance of the caves as the new guards. The pair of trolls soon returns – not having found the companions.

Unfortunately the new troll guards took up positions just below the entrance to the extra-dimensional space where the companions hid. The companions’ hope that the troll guards would grow bored and wander off was soon dashed, even though one of the guards did grow tired and wandered off to take a nap.

The companion spent the time discussing the best approach to bypass the trolls. Eventually, they agreed on a consensus to utilize So’yoko’s invisibility and Zerkestor’s silence spells to bypass the group of trolls. After becoming invisible, Dalrick, trusting in his stealth skills, snuck out of the hidden place to scout around. Unfortunately, the cave is quite dark and that Dalrick was unwilling to risk a light, and so was unable to see much beyond a bit of the caves beyond.

Berek, however, grew impatient with all the stealthy wandering, jumped out of hiding as soon as the silence spell was cast upon him. What follows was an eerily silent battle as the companions sought to kill the two troll guards without alerting the rest of the tribe. The trolls frothed at the mouth and their berserk strength surprised the companions. Despite this, however, the trolls were quick overcome; thanks to the silence spell, the other trolls were none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Dalrick had noticed something very unusual. A large rat was quietly observing the entire battle; it stood up to attract the attention of the companions. The odd rat lacks a skull cap: its brain lay visible and glows slightly. Once Dalrick pointed the rat out, several companions stared at the rat. Several companions sensed that somehow the rat wants the companions to follow it.

Dalrick then cast speak with animal and spoke with the rat. The rat appears amazingly intelligent for a rat. It introduced itself as Nurta – the hidden one, and the hidden many. Nurta wishes to meet the companions in order to find out why they are here and perhaps negotiate with the companions. Seeing a chance to perhaps find a way to reach their goal without going through dozens of trolls, the companions agreed and followed the rat.

The rat led the companions down a water hole in the side cave – where the trolls have been using as a lavatory of sorts (in fact there was a large troll turd floating in the water as the rat jumped into it). Holding back their disgust, the companions followed. Several companions had trouble swimming and Soyoko’s weasel familiar puked during the entire swim. So the companions were much bedraggled as they emerged from the water into the home of Nurta.

Nurta turned out to be a hive mind of sorts – and it’s capable of communicating with the companions telepathically. Since nurta means ‘to hide’ in elven, and Nurta introduced itself as “the hidden one, the hidden many,” Haeythir suspects that the rats may have been changed by the magic on the elven harp of light over the thousands of years.

The companions questioned Nurta about the harp of light. Although the companions had to explain to the rats what a harp is, eventually Nurta indicated that the harp was in the caves and that it’s guarded by the “glowing ones.” Nurta does not understand the “Glowing Ones” and is afraid of them. Nurta is aware of a secret way into the caves of the “Glowing Ones.”

Nurta, in turn, questioned the companions about their purpose in the caves and the fact that they “smell of snakes.” The companions made a good case of convincing Nurta that they are trying to fight against the snakes and that their recovery of the harp would do much to aid the fight. Eventually Nurta was convinced of the companions’ good intentions and promised to help the companions, provided the companions would do a few things for Nurta.

First, the companions need to promise not to kill any more trolls. Nurta is upset already over the trolls that the companions have killed. Many members of Nurta live off the wastes that the trolls discard. So Nurta wants the companions to promise not to kill more trolls.

Second, the companions need to promise to deliver Nurta some goodies. After some discussion, it is apparent that Nurta simply wants some food delivered into the swamp (apparent food is a primary concern for the Nurta).

Finally, Nurta wishes the companions to deliver three rodents from outside of the swamp into the swamp. Apparently, Nurta is curious about the world beyond the swamp. However, when the Nurta rats go much beyond the swamp, their ability to communicate with the hive mind fades. Since Nurta cannot read the humanoid minds, it wishes some rodents from beyond the swamp so as to read their minds and learn of the world beyond.

In return, Nurta will aid the companions in two ways. First, one of the Nurta rats will accompany the companions to the cave of the “Glowing Ones” and show the companions the hidden way there. Then, to prevent the companions from having to fight (thus kill) more trolls, the Nurta will temporarily stun the trolls – enabling the companions to run pass the trolls in safety.

Realizing that what the Nurta wants is well within their power, the companions agreed. Led on by one of Nurta’s rats that took to the waters, the companions emerged out of the swamp waters to arrive in an enormous cavern.

The companions saw a large chest on the shore close to them, and on an island surrounded by bubbling acid, are the ghosts of the three elven women – probably what Nurta meant by the “Glowing Ones.” After some consideration, Soyoko stepped forth to negotiate with ghosts of the three sisters.

The three sisters mentioned that they were overcome by jealousy three thousand years ago, but they greatly repent their crime. They were not themselves as they took the harp and fled into the swamp. Then, they fell into the clutches of the evil creatures (the trolls) in the swamp. Their death did not release them, for they are cursed and are now trapped on this island. So they beg the party to release them.

When asked how they can be released, the sisters beg the companions to take the harp from the large chest and return it to their dead sister. Some companions believe the three sisters but others aren’t so certain.

Not entirely certain of the words of the three sisters, the companions took some precaution before opening the chest. Haeythir put up a wall of ice and only Berek went forward to open the chest. As Berek touched the chest, he triggered a glyph of warding that exploded in a fireball.

Although Berek managed to dodge the worst effects of the explosion, the explosion did destroy large portions of the wall of ice that Haeythir put up. Cackling in glee, the veil spell in the cavern dissolves – reveal not an island in amidst bubbling ice, but amidst simple swamp water, and the three sisters are actually hideous green hags.

Even as the companions’ spells and arrows singed the hags, the hags encased Soyoko in a forcecage spell. Then, one of the hags shifted form into a gigantic snake-like creature known as a behir.

It was then Haeythir recalled the jasper gem that he had found earlier. He realized that the three sisters are a hag covey and that the jasper gem must be a hag’s eye – a scrying device used by the covey. Haeythir also recall that much of the covey’s power comes from the covey acting together and that destroying the hag’s eye would blind one of the hags – reducing their power.

Even as the jasper gem shattered, one of the hags cried in pain clutching at her eyes. Meanwhile, however, the behir slithered forth and Dalrick was hopelessly constricted within its coils.

Unable to use any direct effect spells – Soyoko started to summon creatures to his aid. One of Soyoko’s summoned hippogriffs finished off the blind hag. Things took a turn for the worse, however, as Dalrick was swallowed by the behir and Berek fell unconscious and bleeding from a great bite by the behir.

However, the hags’ triumph proved short-lived as Dalrick cut his way outside the gizzard of the behir – killing it, and Zerkestor managed to kill the last hag between a combination of spells and melee might.

Though bloodied, the companions have, once again, triumphed – and upon the island where the hags had lived, they found the kala ng’ande, the harp of light.

Nurta, true to its word, stun the trolls for short moments – allowing the companions to escape the troll mound. The companions also kept their word, not harming another troll in the mound.

It was another day and a half’s journey for the companions to return to the ruins of Maanalot where the Zaya-possessed Amathyya waited. By then, the companions are suffering from the advancing effects of the yuan-ti poison with uncontrollable tremors. However, Zaya had one last request for the companions.

The darkness that was caused by the tainted ritual three thousand years ago is known as Mornielanya (the gathering of darkness, in elven). Zaya fears that the suffering and bloodshed caused by it over these many years has empowered it and perhaps even gave it sentience. Zaya fears that if she should perform the Kala-lanyale (the weaving of light, in elven), the dark song would take on material form, seeking to stop her. Zaya asks the companions to protect her as she completes her song.

Zerkestor cast augury and received the advice to cast silence against the dark song. The companion conferred and came up with a plan. When the dark song appears in material form, Haeythir would encase everyone in a protective hemi-spherical ice-dome as the companions enhance themselves with spells.

A day later, near dawn, the companions prepared themselves as Zaya began to sing. The ghostly choir of the dark song rose first in an attempt to drown out Zaya’s song. A hellish wind then rose as Zaya’s song continued. From all directions it blew – gathering dark leaves to form a giant pile just in front of the companions. The pile of black leaves grew larger and larger until it is the size of small hillock, then, from the depth of the leave pile came the reddish gleam of fiendish eyes, as black, clawed tentacles whipped out, and a gigantic maw filled with sharp teeth opened.

Realizing that the dark song has materialized, Haeythir then protected everyone with his wall of ice spell. The Mornielanya bashed itself against the ice dome and the ice is clearly cracking under its relentless force. Although the ice dome did eventually shatter, by then the companions were ready. An enlarged Dalrick stood in the way against the dark song as Soyoko weakened it with his ray of enfeeblement.

Despite the preparation of the companions, however, it was a close thing – as the Mornielanya was almost ready to silence Zaya’s song when the party landed the death blow upon it.

As the death-blow on the dark song landed, the dark leaves burst apart. A strange, pleasant smelling wind scattered the leaves until none could be seen. Even as the companions stood, trying to catch their collective breath, they heard the last strains of the Weaving of Light.

The darkness of the forest canopy parted. For the first time in thousands of years the rays of a new dawn shined down upon the ruins of Maanalot. The transparent forms of thousands of elven ghosts rose from the woods. They raised their hands to welcome the light that had been so long denied them as they ascend into the sky.

A black mist lifts from each of the companions who are cursed with the Kiss of Maeruka – and the companions could feel the poison of yuan-ti being cleansed from their body.

Zaya (Zailaya Halyanwe) departed from Amathyya and is the last elven ghost to leave. The companions saw her smiling with ghostly tears streaming down her cheeks: “So it is done. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Not only from me, but from all of my kind – for you have done a great deed – not merely saving us, but our children and our children’s children.”

With a wave of her hand, Zaya revealed to the companions a secret cache containing some treasures and lost lore from the ancient elven kingdom of Maanalot as thanks for the heroes that have ended not merely a curse that lasted three thousand years, but the disease that has killed untold number of elves.

----- ----- -----

Epilogue One

A little more than a day later, as the companions took a well-deserved rest and sought to absorb the lost lore of Maanalot, they found dryads, nymphs, pixies, and the treants of Ghostwoods gathered before them. As one they kneeled down before a surprised Amathyya.

A golden haired nymph spoke sadly to Amathyya: “Your highness, I am Serena and I have been chosen to speak for the creatures assembled before you. Your highness, Maanalot is no more, and we, that were her guardians, have failed. Not only did we fail, but we had fallen under the sway of the dark song and committed many dark deeds in the long centuries past. You are the voice that awoke us from that nightmare. We wish to pledge our allegiance to you.”

Amathyya stuttered: “B-But it was not I, but the ghost of Zaya that sang the song.”

The nymph smiled, “The will and knowledge may be that of your departed ancestress, your highness, but the voice and the power is yours. You are the savior of Maanalot and her true princess. Command us.”

Cradling the harp of light in her arms, a look of determination crept into Amathyya’s beautiful face, “You are right. My companions Haeythir and Soyoko have long been trying to convince me of my duty to my suffering elven people – and they are also right. Too long have I clung to my childhood dreams, and even as I hesitate, those whom I am responsible for suffers. I accept your allegiance.”

“I ask you to continue in your duties to protect this forest and to provide a safe haven for those elven refugees who may come here. Let the elves who will, return here to admire the works of their ancestors and let those who will, rebuild the city of blessed flower here as it once stood.”

The nymph Serena smiled, “As you wish, your highness.”

----- ----- -----

Epilogue Two

Having returned from his trip to deliver three rodents and various foodstuffs to the rats in Green Swamp, Larkel smiled at the companions.

“Although I can no longer cast spells, it is wonderful to be released from that madness. Once again, I want to say that you have done a great thing here and completed my life-long goal. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.”

“I have spent some time thinking things over. I have decided to stay here in Ghostwoods. I have ever been a seeker of knowledge, and I would be happy to learn what I can of the knowledge that is still here. Princess Amathyya has entrusted Maanalot to me and I will be working with the nymph Serena.”

“Serena has agreed to cast animal messenger for me, and I will be writing to Queen Ielenia. I will inform her of my decisions as well as the joyous discovery of her grand-daughter and your mighty deeds. Should there ever be the opportunity, you should visit the Isle of the Rose, I am sure her majesty would welcome the opportunity to see her grand-daughter and honor all of you.”

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sidrea08 - Into the Ghostwoods

As the companions entered the Ghostwoods, Larkel pulled So’yoko and Haeythir aside. After So’yoko and Haeythir informed Larkel of the yuan-ti that they’ve encountered, Larkel told them the ancient legends concerning the war between the elder gods and the younger gods and the betrayal of the dragon-maker by his servant, Merrshaulk. Maeruka, the woman who cursed the companions, was Merrshaulk’s consort, and instrumental in aiding Merrshaulk to usurp the power of the dragon-maker.

Once Amathyya’s suspected background was revealed to him, Larkel also mentioned that her bloodline can be confirmed via divinatory rituals. Larkel believes that if Amathyya is indeed whom others suspect her to be, then she may be the key to ending the civil war in Rondor and restore peace between Rondor and the Isle of the Rose – if she could actually ascend the Jasper Throne.

Meanwhile, as the companions walked deeper into the forest, the song in Larkel’s mind grew louder until he became catatonic and curled into a fetal position. Just before the pain became too much to bear, Larkel suggested to the companions to cover themselves with the root sap of angelroots to bypass the guardians within the woods.

[Brief aside: background of Ghostwoods – from Haeythir’s learning and some things mentioned by Larkel, it is clear that 3,000 years ago, a kingdom of the grey elves stood in this area – its capital Maanalot (meaning ‘blessed flower’ in elven) was located at the heart of the modern day Ghostwoods. In the coming of the humans, the kingdom was destroyed. In his quest for the cure for the Lingering Death that had plagued the grey elves, Larkel has come to believe that within Maanalot lay the cure that would lift the disease. However, Larkel’s journey there had ended with Larkel’s insanity – Larkel believes that the only way to remove his insanity and the “song” that dwells in his mind is to return to Maanalot – the ruined city at the heart of Ghostwoods.]

Following Larkel’s suggestions, Dalrick managed to locate several angelroot plants and used the root sap to cover the companions. The root sap has the strange property of eliminating all odors. Dalrick also found a trail, marked by ancient elven trail posts leading deeper into the forest, perhaps to Maanalot.

Suddenly, the companions heard movement and curses from some distance behind them – apparently the companions’ escape had not gone unnoticed, and the baron’s guards and following them into the forest. The companions then watched in surprise as the trees around them started to move. Great trees lifted their roots and moved toward the baron’s guards: “Baahroom! We smell humans! Intruders!” the trees shouted. The baron’s men cried in horror and sought to flee, but it was useless as the trees tore them limb from limb before becoming motionless again.

Fortunately, perhaps due to the elves present or the angelroot sap, the trees completely ignored the companions.

Relieved despite having witnessed the gory ferocity of the plant life within Ghostwoods, the companions continue to travel deeper within the woods.

As the companions moved deeper within the woods, Haeythir could feel a faint, but definite, aura of magic that permeates every branch, every twig, and every blade of grass within the woods. Zerkestor senses a chill in the air and ancient malevolent curses upon the air.

As the companions moved forward – Haeythir tripped over some bony remains. Looking about carefully, it dawned on the party that they are at the grave-site of hundreds of humans. Moss and grass covered most of the remains, but here and there, the party could pick out the bleached bones. It soon became apparent that sometimes in the past a company of human warriors had died here.

Before the party could search further, creatures composed entirely of the glooms emerged from the tree trunks and the very earth.

Dalrick was the only one who managed to spot the shadows and reach in time as the creatures attacked the party. The touches of the shadows are as cold as ice and sapped the strength of those touched. Dalrick was surrounded by three shadows and the fight looks to be in dire straits when Zerkestor called upon the power of Zethunor. The divine power of the Surfraiser burst forth and caused five shadows to explode into nothingness. The remaining shadows were destroyed by the spells of Haeythir and Soyoko and Berek’s enchanted sword.

Pressing forward on the trail, the companions encountered a place when several trees had fallen and blocked the trail. Taking a detour to go around the fallen trees, the companions encountered a friendly band of diminuitive pixies. The pixies were impressed by the fact that the humans had round ears instead of pointy years – and a swarm of them sought to touch and examine Zerkestor’s earlobe to verify this amazing fact for themselves. They stayed away from Berek and Dalrick, apparently frightened by their gruff appearance.

The band of pixies was led by one named Baah-bak. After a while the pixies demanded that the companions sing them a song. Berek sang the pixies an old dwarven drinking song and the pixies were quite happy with learning it (although the concept of beards eludes them). In return, the pixies provided the companions with various bits of information – such as that the trail indeed leads to an elven city. The city is haunted by elven ghosts and no one could withstand the power of their song. In fact, no one who entered the ruined city prior to Larkel has been able to come back. (They recognized Larkel for he had gone by with other elves and given them candy).

The pixies also believe that it’s the stupid elves (whom are always tinkering around with magic and other things best left alone) that messed up the forest. In fact the magic has so affected the forest that the pixies believe themselves to be slowly shrinking – pixies from previous generations weren’t so small. The ancient elves also left guardians and traps behind – and it’s dangerous to move on ahead.

The pixies then wanted the companions to tell them a joke (apparently songs and jokes are prized above all other things among pixies). So’yoko managed to make the band of pixies laugh with his bawdy tale of a dwarf, an elf and a pixie in a bar, and the pixies were quite pleased. The pixies were so happy with the companions that they offered the companions a trade – a magic rod (pixie sized) for something from the companions. At first the companions offered gold but the pixies complained that gold is too heavy. Then Zerkestor offered the pixies gems, and the pixies agreed – each picking out a shiny bauble for him- / her-self.

Mindful of the yuan-ti poison in their veins and the progression of the curse, the companions bid the helpful pixies farewell and pressed on toward Maanalot. That night, in a dream, Zerkestor heard a voice spoke to him in Auran (the language of air elementals and other creatures of the elemental plane of air), telling him that a vital clue will be revealed to him tomorrow. So’yoko also had a dream of all the companions performing a ritual of some sort.

Pressing on, the companions found that the interior of the forest is growing darker – almost as if every tree is stretching forth its limbs to block out the sunlight. Then, a subtle moan echoes within the woods as creatures of roiling smoke burst up on the companions. The creatures begged to be released – although none but Zerkestor could understand them. Despite having some difficulties hitting the creatures, eventually the companions managed. As the last smoke-like creature faded away, it whispered in Auran – thanking the companions for releasing it. It also cautioned the companions to beware of the glades – advising them to “toss the white flower into the glade and follow it.”

As the trail continued, the companions did happen upon a glade dotted by a few trees. Forewarned by the smoke-like guardians earlier, the companions were careful to proceed. At the entrance to the glade, they found a flowering bush that did indeed have a white flower upon it. Tossing the white flower into the glade, they notice the flower drifting to set down on a particular spot. Moving to the spot where the flower fell and repeating the same procedure, the party managed to find a safe path through the glade.

Curious as to the defenses in the glade, Berek tossed a rock into the side of the glade – the rock was immediately caught by a writhing vine that shot up from the grass. Apparently, several assassin vines guard the glade, hidden and waiting for the unwary.

Beyond the glade, the companions came upon the ruins of the ancient elven city of Maanalot. It was clear that the entire city was once built with living woods. Great trees, with trunks of more than fifteen men-height wide, were carefully shaped with magic to form the various dwelling and workplaces. The entire city, however, is cloaked in twilight and darkness. Most of the great trees have fallen – their trunks shattered and overgrown with moss in the long centuries. The soil and the bark of the tree is blackened – almost as if it was burnt with fire.

Finally, at the center of the city, the companions came upon the greatest of the trees – possibly once a palace of some sort. Now little remains of it except a blackened, shattered stump. There, the companions encountered the ghosts of the former residents of Maanalot. Thousands of them appeared around the tree – floating above the party – one of them tried to speak, but then he started to sing as if compulsed to do so. The other elven ghosts joined in...

The song of the ghostly choir cuts through sanity like a hot knife through butter. The companions went to their knees screaming as their sanity fled from the dark horror invoked by the song. Then, a single pin-point of light settled on Amathyya. The companions could see the color of her pupil change from blue to green. When Amathyya sang, it was no longer the voice of Amathyya but another female voice.

The song of the possessed Amathyya quieted the ghostly choir and the companions gasped in relief as their sanity returned. The voice begged the companions to help all the ghosts – to end the eternal torment that they are enduring. The possessed Amathyya introduced herself as the ghost of Zailaya Helyanwe (the companions have taken to call her “Zaya” for short). Zaya was once a princess and the chief sorceress of Maanalot.

When the companions inquired as to the events of the past, Zaya recounted the last days of the Kingdom of Maanalot. Three thousand years ago, when the serpent-worshipping humans came, they destroyed other elven kingdoms but were checked by the power of the elves of Maanalot. Unable to overcome the grey elves through force of arms, the serpent-worshippers resorted to dark magic.

The magical disease known as Lingering Death swept past the forest guardians of the grey elves. Men, women, and children of the kingdom died by the thousands as the disease raged unchecked. Finally, through her own research and diligent prayers, Zaya has arrived at a cure. By invoking a few of the Words of Creation that were grant her by the Protector (the elven god Corellon) in a song ritual of her own devise, Zaya was to banish the disease from all of Sidrea in one stroke.

However, Zaya didn’t count on the jealousy of her own sisters. Zaya could only speculate on the action of her three sisters – perhaps they were enraged that Zaya, the youngest of them, was the most beautiful and the most talented. Perhaps Zaya’s three elder sisters were angered that the god Corellon rewarded their youngest sister alone for the devotion they all did as their duty. To this day, Zaya could not fathom the reasons behind her sister’s actions.

Nevertheless, at a crucial moment in the song ritual, Zaya’s three elder sisters attacked and killed her. Zaya’s own blood twisted the song ritual (from Kala-lanyale – “the weaving of light” into Mornie-lanya – “the gathering of darkness”). As the darkness gathered, the woods around Maanalot become cursed. Most of the elves in the city of Maanalot died as the darkness drown out the lights of their lives. The ghost of the elves were imprisoned and forced to sing eternally of the dark song – Mornie-lanya. The dark song also cursed Zaya’s three elder sisters and they fled north, taking the focus of the song ritual, the Kala-ng’ande (harp of light) with them.

For centuries, the lonely ghost of Zaya was bound in the ruins of Maanalot, the single sane spirit amongst the insane ghosts of her own people. She wandered the once familiar woods in terrible sadness – thinking that all hope was lost – for only a female descendent of her own blood could untwist the song ritual and undo the damage.

Then, hoping against hope, she first encountered Larkel, who was a male descendent of her blood. It was why Larkel alone, among all the creatures that have traveled into the heart of Ghostwoods in the past three thousand years, was able to return alive, albeit insane. Now, at the last, came Amathyya – a female descendent of her own blood. If only the harp of light was in her possession, the ritual could at last be completed – the damage undone.

The companions then inquired as whether the ritual has the power to cleanse the yuan-ti poison from their blood and lift the curse that Maeruka had laid upon them. Zaya replied that it is a possibility – for the Words of Creation were used by the gods themselves to sing the world into being, and it is possible that the song ritual could remove the curse from the companions.

The companions then agreed to aid Zaya. Amathyya, possessed by Zaya, remained in Maanalot, while the other companions went toward the Wenya-nanda (“Green Swamp”), where Zaya suspects her sisters had fled to.

Haeythir’s owl and Dalrick’s eagle scouted the swamp. The only thing unusual they found is a mound of some sort near where the swamp joins the foothills. A cave opening leads into the mound and the entire area stinks of trolls.

Believing this to be their best lead in the swamp, the companions entered the swamp, heading toward the troll cave. Along the way, the companions discovered foot-prints. Interestingly, among the troll foot-prints are the foot-prints of other creatures. These other creatures with the stride of a troll, and some tracks indicated they traveled with the trolls in the swamp. Despite his wilderness experience, Dalrick did not recognize the tracks of any other creatures that he’s seennor heard of.

Dalrick and Haeythir, one with extensive experience in the wilderness and the other with a great deal of book learning taught the other companions about trolls. They mentioned that trolls are strong, swift creatures with long arms that ended in sharp claws. Troll hides are tough and their bodies heal any wounds inflicted except those via acid or fire.

Arriving at the troll cave, Berek led the way inside. Unfortunately, Berek stepped upon something that triggered a crude trap. Spears rained down on the companions from the ceiling.

Meanwhile, a gong sounded deep within the caves, and three trolls rushed out. Overjoyed by what they consider to be food delivering to their very doorstep, they immediately moved to chow down. Haeythir landed a fireball on the trolls while So’yoko hurt them with his scorching rays.

Berek and Dalrick were in the front and on the receiving end of the attack of the trolls. Dalrick soon suffered dreadful wounds – as troll claws rend into him and nearly tore him apart. An enlarged Berek blocks the cave-mouth, and the trolls, finally realizing the seriousness of the fight, managed to summon some of their friends.

It was a tough fight – with an enlarged Berek using his full combat expertise to doge the trolls’ claws. Meanwhile, Berek blocked the advance of the trolls and kept them inside the cave thus preventing them from harming the more vulnerable companions. Zerkestor attempted to use the Whim of Zethunor – it resulted in a web that trapped both the trolls, Berek and So’yoko.

Although eventually Berek fell beneath the troll’s claws, the trolls were all grievously wounded at this point, and they fell beneath the spell of Haeythir and Dalrick’s sword.

As Zerkestor moves to heal the wounded companions and others sought to burn and destroy the bodies of the fallen trolls, the mystery remained – what is inside the troll cave and would the party find the lost harp of light?