Sidrea08 - Into the Ghostwoods
As the companions entered the Ghostwoods, Larkel pulled So’yoko and Haeythir aside. After So’yoko and Haeythir informed Larkel of the yuan-ti that they’ve encountered, Larkel told them the ancient legends concerning the war between the elder gods and the younger gods and the betrayal of the dragon-maker by his servant, Merrshaulk. Maeruka, the woman who cursed the companions, was Merrshaulk’s consort, and instrumental in aiding Merrshaulk to usurp the power of the dragon-maker.
Once Amathyya’s suspected background was revealed to him, Larkel also mentioned that her bloodline can be confirmed via divinatory rituals. Larkel believes that if Amathyya is indeed whom others suspect her to be, then she may be the key to ending the civil war in Rondor and restore peace between Rondor and the Isle of the Rose – if she could actually ascend the Jasper Throne.
Meanwhile, as the companions walked deeper into the forest, the song in Larkel’s mind grew louder until he became catatonic and curled into a fetal position. Just before the pain became too much to bear, Larkel suggested to the companions to cover themselves with the root sap of angelroots to bypass the guardians within the woods.
[Brief aside: background of Ghostwoods – from Haeythir’s learning and some things mentioned by Larkel, it is clear that 3,000 years ago, a kingdom of the grey elves stood in this area – its capital Maanalot (meaning ‘blessed flower’ in elven) was located at the heart of the modern day Ghostwoods. In the coming of the humans, the kingdom was destroyed. In his quest for the cure for the Lingering Death that had plagued the grey elves, Larkel has come to believe that within Maanalot lay the cure that would lift the disease. However, Larkel’s journey there had ended with Larkel’s insanity – Larkel believes that the only way to remove his insanity and the “song” that dwells in his mind is to return to Maanalot – the ruined city at the heart of Ghostwoods.]
Following Larkel’s suggestions, Dalrick managed to locate several angelroot plants and used the root sap to cover the companions. The root sap has the strange property of eliminating all odors. Dalrick also found a trail, marked by ancient elven trail posts leading deeper into the forest, perhaps to Maanalot.
Suddenly, the companions heard movement and curses from some distance behind them – apparently the companions’ escape had not gone unnoticed, and the baron’s guards and following them into the forest. The companions then watched in surprise as the trees around them started to move. Great trees lifted their roots and moved toward the baron’s guards: “Baahroom! We smell humans! Intruders!” the trees shouted. The baron’s men cried in horror and sought to flee, but it was useless as the trees tore them limb from limb before becoming motionless again.
Fortunately, perhaps due to the elves present or the angelroot sap, the trees completely ignored the companions.
Relieved despite having witnessed the gory ferocity of the plant life within Ghostwoods, the companions continue to travel deeper within the woods.
As the companions moved deeper within the woods, Haeythir could feel a faint, but definite, aura of magic that permeates every branch, every twig, and every blade of grass within the woods. Zerkestor senses a chill in the air and ancient malevolent curses upon the air.
As the companions moved forward – Haeythir tripped over some bony remains. Looking about carefully, it dawned on the party that they are at the grave-site of hundreds of humans. Moss and grass covered most of the remains, but here and there, the party could pick out the bleached bones. It soon became apparent that sometimes in the past a company of human warriors had died here.
Before the party could search further, creatures composed entirely of the glooms emerged from the tree trunks and the very earth.
Dalrick was the only one who managed to spot the shadows and reach in time as the creatures attacked the party. The touches of the shadows are as cold as ice and sapped the strength of those touched. Dalrick was surrounded by three shadows and the fight looks to be in dire straits when Zerkestor called upon the power of Zethunor. The divine power of the Surfraiser burst forth and caused five shadows to explode into nothingness. The remaining shadows were destroyed by the spells of Haeythir and Soyoko and Berek’s enchanted sword.
Pressing forward on the trail, the companions encountered a place when several trees had fallen and blocked the trail. Taking a detour to go around the fallen trees, the companions encountered a friendly band of diminuitive pixies. The pixies were impressed by the fact that the humans had round ears instead of pointy years – and a swarm of them sought to touch and examine Zerkestor’s earlobe to verify this amazing fact for themselves. They stayed away from Berek and Dalrick, apparently frightened by their gruff appearance.
The band of pixies was led by one named Baah-bak. After a while the pixies demanded that the companions sing them a song. Berek sang the pixies an old dwarven drinking song and the pixies were quite happy with learning it (although the concept of beards eludes them). In return, the pixies provided the companions with various bits of information – such as that the trail indeed leads to an elven city. The city is haunted by elven ghosts and no one could withstand the power of their song. In fact, no one who entered the ruined city prior to Larkel has been able to come back. (They recognized Larkel for he had gone by with other elves and given them candy).
The pixies also believe that it’s the stupid elves (whom are always tinkering around with magic and other things best left alone) that messed up the forest. In fact the magic has so affected the forest that the pixies believe themselves to be slowly shrinking – pixies from previous generations weren’t so small. The ancient elves also left guardians and traps behind – and it’s dangerous to move on ahead.
The pixies then wanted the companions to tell them a joke (apparently songs and jokes are prized above all other things among pixies). So’yoko managed to make the band of pixies laugh with his bawdy tale of a dwarf, an elf and a pixie in a bar, and the pixies were quite pleased. The pixies were so happy with the companions that they offered the companions a trade – a magic rod (pixie sized) for something from the companions. At first the companions offered gold but the pixies complained that gold is too heavy. Then Zerkestor offered the pixies gems, and the pixies agreed – each picking out a shiny bauble for him- / her-self.
Mindful of the yuan-ti poison in their veins and the progression of the curse, the companions bid the helpful pixies farewell and pressed on toward Maanalot. That night, in a dream, Zerkestor heard a voice spoke to him in Auran (the language of air elementals and other creatures of the elemental plane of air), telling him that a vital clue will be revealed to him tomorrow. So’yoko also had a dream of all the companions performing a ritual of some sort.
Pressing on, the companions found that the interior of the forest is growing darker – almost as if every tree is stretching forth its limbs to block out the sunlight. Then, a subtle moan echoes within the woods as creatures of roiling smoke burst up on the companions. The creatures begged to be released – although none but Zerkestor could understand them. Despite having some difficulties hitting the creatures, eventually the companions managed. As the last smoke-like creature faded away, it whispered in Auran – thanking the companions for releasing it. It also cautioned the companions to beware of the glades – advising them to “toss the white flower into the glade and follow it.”
As the trail continued, the companions did happen upon a glade dotted by a few trees. Forewarned by the smoke-like guardians earlier, the companions were careful to proceed. At the entrance to the glade, they found a flowering bush that did indeed have a white flower upon it. Tossing the white flower into the glade, they notice the flower drifting to set down on a particular spot. Moving to the spot where the flower fell and repeating the same procedure, the party managed to find a safe path through the glade.
Curious as to the defenses in the glade, Berek tossed a rock into the side of the glade – the rock was immediately caught by a writhing vine that shot up from the grass. Apparently, several assassin vines guard the glade, hidden and waiting for the unwary.
Beyond the glade, the companions came upon the ruins of the ancient elven city of Maanalot. It was clear that the entire city was once built with living woods. Great trees, with trunks of more than fifteen men-height wide, were carefully shaped with magic to form the various dwelling and workplaces. The entire city, however, is cloaked in twilight and darkness. Most of the great trees have fallen – their trunks shattered and overgrown with moss in the long centuries. The soil and the bark of the tree is blackened – almost as if it was burnt with fire.
Finally, at the center of the city, the companions came upon the greatest of the trees – possibly once a palace of some sort. Now little remains of it except a blackened, shattered stump. There, the companions encountered the ghosts of the former residents of Maanalot. Thousands of them appeared around the tree – floating above the party – one of them tried to speak, but then he started to sing as if compulsed to do so. The other elven ghosts joined in...
The song of the ghostly choir cuts through sanity like a hot knife through butter. The companions went to their knees screaming as their sanity fled from the dark horror invoked by the song. Then, a single pin-point of light settled on Amathyya. The companions could see the color of her pupil change from blue to green. When Amathyya sang, it was no longer the voice of Amathyya but another female voice.
The song of the possessed Amathyya quieted the ghostly choir and the companions gasped in relief as their sanity returned. The voice begged the companions to help all the ghosts – to end the eternal torment that they are enduring. The possessed Amathyya introduced herself as the ghost of Zailaya Helyanwe (the companions have taken to call her “Zaya” for short). Zaya was once a princess and the chief sorceress of Maanalot.
When the companions inquired as to the events of the past, Zaya recounted the last days of the Kingdom of Maanalot. Three thousand years ago, when the serpent-worshipping humans came, they destroyed other elven kingdoms but were checked by the power of the elves of Maanalot. Unable to overcome the grey elves through force of arms, the serpent-worshippers resorted to dark magic.
The magical disease known as Lingering Death swept past the forest guardians of the grey elves. Men, women, and children of the kingdom died by the thousands as the disease raged unchecked. Finally, through her own research and diligent prayers, Zaya has arrived at a cure. By invoking a few of the Words of Creation that were grant her by the Protector (the elven god Corellon) in a song ritual of her own devise, Zaya was to banish the disease from all of Sidrea in one stroke.
However, Zaya didn’t count on the jealousy of her own sisters. Zaya could only speculate on the action of her three sisters – perhaps they were enraged that Zaya, the youngest of them, was the most beautiful and the most talented. Perhaps Zaya’s three elder sisters were angered that the god Corellon rewarded their youngest sister alone for the devotion they all did as their duty. To this day, Zaya could not fathom the reasons behind her sister’s actions.
Nevertheless, at a crucial moment in the song ritual, Zaya’s three elder sisters attacked and killed her. Zaya’s own blood twisted the song ritual (from Kala-lanyale – “the weaving of light” into Mornie-lanya – “the gathering of darkness”). As the darkness gathered, the woods around Maanalot become cursed. Most of the elves in the city of Maanalot died as the darkness drown out the lights of their lives. The ghost of the elves were imprisoned and forced to sing eternally of the dark song – Mornie-lanya. The dark song also cursed Zaya’s three elder sisters and they fled north, taking the focus of the song ritual, the Kala-ng’ande (harp of light) with them.
For centuries, the lonely ghost of Zaya was bound in the ruins of Maanalot, the single sane spirit amongst the insane ghosts of her own people. She wandered the once familiar woods in terrible sadness – thinking that all hope was lost – for only a female descendent of her own blood could untwist the song ritual and undo the damage.
Then, hoping against hope, she first encountered Larkel, who was a male descendent of her blood. It was why Larkel alone, among all the creatures that have traveled into the heart of Ghostwoods in the past three thousand years, was able to return alive, albeit insane. Now, at the last, came Amathyya – a female descendent of her own blood. If only the harp of light was in her possession, the ritual could at last be completed – the damage undone.
The companions then inquired as whether the ritual has the power to cleanse the yuan-ti poison from their blood and lift the curse that Maeruka had laid upon them. Zaya replied that it is a possibility – for the Words of Creation were used by the gods themselves to sing the world into being, and it is possible that the song ritual could remove the curse from the companions.
The companions then agreed to aid Zaya. Amathyya, possessed by Zaya, remained in Maanalot, while the other companions went toward the Wenya-nanda (“Green Swamp”), where Zaya suspects her sisters had fled to.
Haeythir’s owl and Dalrick’s eagle scouted the swamp. The only thing unusual they found is a mound of some sort near where the swamp joins the foothills. A cave opening leads into the mound and the entire area stinks of trolls.
Believing this to be their best lead in the swamp, the companions entered the swamp, heading toward the troll cave. Along the way, the companions discovered foot-prints. Interestingly, among the troll foot-prints are the foot-prints of other creatures. These other creatures with the stride of a troll, and some tracks indicated they traveled with the trolls in the swamp. Despite his wilderness experience, Dalrick did not recognize the tracks of any other creatures that he’s seennor heard of.
Dalrick and Haeythir, one with extensive experience in the wilderness and the other with a great deal of book learning taught the other companions about trolls. They mentioned that trolls are strong, swift creatures with long arms that ended in sharp claws. Troll hides are tough and their bodies heal any wounds inflicted except those via acid or fire.
Arriving at the troll cave, Berek led the way inside. Unfortunately, Berek stepped upon something that triggered a crude trap. Spears rained down on the companions from the ceiling.
Meanwhile, a gong sounded deep within the caves, and three trolls rushed out. Overjoyed by what they consider to be food delivering to their very doorstep, they immediately moved to chow down. Haeythir landed a fireball on the trolls while So’yoko hurt them with his scorching rays.
Berek and Dalrick were in the front and on the receiving end of the attack of the trolls. Dalrick soon suffered dreadful wounds – as troll claws rend into him and nearly tore him apart. An enlarged Berek blocks the cave-mouth, and the trolls, finally realizing the seriousness of the fight, managed to summon some of their friends.
It was a tough fight – with an enlarged Berek using his full combat expertise to doge the trolls’ claws. Meanwhile, Berek blocked the advance of the trolls and kept them inside the cave thus preventing them from harming the more vulnerable companions. Zerkestor attempted to use the Whim of Zethunor – it resulted in a web that trapped both the trolls, Berek and So’yoko.
Although eventually Berek fell beneath the troll’s claws, the trolls were all grievously wounded at this point, and they fell beneath the spell of Haeythir and Dalrick’s sword.
As Zerkestor moves to heal the wounded companions and others sought to burn and destroy the bodies of the fallen trolls, the mystery remained – what is inside the troll cave and would the party find the lost harp of light?
Once Amathyya’s suspected background was revealed to him, Larkel also mentioned that her bloodline can be confirmed via divinatory rituals. Larkel believes that if Amathyya is indeed whom others suspect her to be, then she may be the key to ending the civil war in Rondor and restore peace between Rondor and the Isle of the Rose – if she could actually ascend the Jasper Throne.
Meanwhile, as the companions walked deeper into the forest, the song in Larkel’s mind grew louder until he became catatonic and curled into a fetal position. Just before the pain became too much to bear, Larkel suggested to the companions to cover themselves with the root sap of angelroots to bypass the guardians within the woods.
[Brief aside: background of Ghostwoods – from Haeythir’s learning and some things mentioned by Larkel, it is clear that 3,000 years ago, a kingdom of the grey elves stood in this area – its capital Maanalot (meaning ‘blessed flower’ in elven) was located at the heart of the modern day Ghostwoods. In the coming of the humans, the kingdom was destroyed. In his quest for the cure for the Lingering Death that had plagued the grey elves, Larkel has come to believe that within Maanalot lay the cure that would lift the disease. However, Larkel’s journey there had ended with Larkel’s insanity – Larkel believes that the only way to remove his insanity and the “song” that dwells in his mind is to return to Maanalot – the ruined city at the heart of Ghostwoods.]
Following Larkel’s suggestions, Dalrick managed to locate several angelroot plants and used the root sap to cover the companions. The root sap has the strange property of eliminating all odors. Dalrick also found a trail, marked by ancient elven trail posts leading deeper into the forest, perhaps to Maanalot.
Suddenly, the companions heard movement and curses from some distance behind them – apparently the companions’ escape had not gone unnoticed, and the baron’s guards and following them into the forest. The companions then watched in surprise as the trees around them started to move. Great trees lifted their roots and moved toward the baron’s guards: “Baahroom! We smell humans! Intruders!” the trees shouted. The baron’s men cried in horror and sought to flee, but it was useless as the trees tore them limb from limb before becoming motionless again.
Fortunately, perhaps due to the elves present or the angelroot sap, the trees completely ignored the companions.
Relieved despite having witnessed the gory ferocity of the plant life within Ghostwoods, the companions continue to travel deeper within the woods.
As the companions moved deeper within the woods, Haeythir could feel a faint, but definite, aura of magic that permeates every branch, every twig, and every blade of grass within the woods. Zerkestor senses a chill in the air and ancient malevolent curses upon the air.
As the companions moved forward – Haeythir tripped over some bony remains. Looking about carefully, it dawned on the party that they are at the grave-site of hundreds of humans. Moss and grass covered most of the remains, but here and there, the party could pick out the bleached bones. It soon became apparent that sometimes in the past a company of human warriors had died here.
Before the party could search further, creatures composed entirely of the glooms emerged from the tree trunks and the very earth.
Dalrick was the only one who managed to spot the shadows and reach in time as the creatures attacked the party. The touches of the shadows are as cold as ice and sapped the strength of those touched. Dalrick was surrounded by three shadows and the fight looks to be in dire straits when Zerkestor called upon the power of Zethunor. The divine power of the Surfraiser burst forth and caused five shadows to explode into nothingness. The remaining shadows were destroyed by the spells of Haeythir and Soyoko and Berek’s enchanted sword.
Pressing forward on the trail, the companions encountered a place when several trees had fallen and blocked the trail. Taking a detour to go around the fallen trees, the companions encountered a friendly band of diminuitive pixies. The pixies were impressed by the fact that the humans had round ears instead of pointy years – and a swarm of them sought to touch and examine Zerkestor’s earlobe to verify this amazing fact for themselves. They stayed away from Berek and Dalrick, apparently frightened by their gruff appearance.
The band of pixies was led by one named Baah-bak. After a while the pixies demanded that the companions sing them a song. Berek sang the pixies an old dwarven drinking song and the pixies were quite happy with learning it (although the concept of beards eludes them). In return, the pixies provided the companions with various bits of information – such as that the trail indeed leads to an elven city. The city is haunted by elven ghosts and no one could withstand the power of their song. In fact, no one who entered the ruined city prior to Larkel has been able to come back. (They recognized Larkel for he had gone by with other elves and given them candy).
The pixies also believe that it’s the stupid elves (whom are always tinkering around with magic and other things best left alone) that messed up the forest. In fact the magic has so affected the forest that the pixies believe themselves to be slowly shrinking – pixies from previous generations weren’t so small. The ancient elves also left guardians and traps behind – and it’s dangerous to move on ahead.
The pixies then wanted the companions to tell them a joke (apparently songs and jokes are prized above all other things among pixies). So’yoko managed to make the band of pixies laugh with his bawdy tale of a dwarf, an elf and a pixie in a bar, and the pixies were quite pleased. The pixies were so happy with the companions that they offered the companions a trade – a magic rod (pixie sized) for something from the companions. At first the companions offered gold but the pixies complained that gold is too heavy. Then Zerkestor offered the pixies gems, and the pixies agreed – each picking out a shiny bauble for him- / her-self.
Mindful of the yuan-ti poison in their veins and the progression of the curse, the companions bid the helpful pixies farewell and pressed on toward Maanalot. That night, in a dream, Zerkestor heard a voice spoke to him in Auran (the language of air elementals and other creatures of the elemental plane of air), telling him that a vital clue will be revealed to him tomorrow. So’yoko also had a dream of all the companions performing a ritual of some sort.
Pressing on, the companions found that the interior of the forest is growing darker – almost as if every tree is stretching forth its limbs to block out the sunlight. Then, a subtle moan echoes within the woods as creatures of roiling smoke burst up on the companions. The creatures begged to be released – although none but Zerkestor could understand them. Despite having some difficulties hitting the creatures, eventually the companions managed. As the last smoke-like creature faded away, it whispered in Auran – thanking the companions for releasing it. It also cautioned the companions to beware of the glades – advising them to “toss the white flower into the glade and follow it.”
As the trail continued, the companions did happen upon a glade dotted by a few trees. Forewarned by the smoke-like guardians earlier, the companions were careful to proceed. At the entrance to the glade, they found a flowering bush that did indeed have a white flower upon it. Tossing the white flower into the glade, they notice the flower drifting to set down on a particular spot. Moving to the spot where the flower fell and repeating the same procedure, the party managed to find a safe path through the glade.
Curious as to the defenses in the glade, Berek tossed a rock into the side of the glade – the rock was immediately caught by a writhing vine that shot up from the grass. Apparently, several assassin vines guard the glade, hidden and waiting for the unwary.
Beyond the glade, the companions came upon the ruins of the ancient elven city of Maanalot. It was clear that the entire city was once built with living woods. Great trees, with trunks of more than fifteen men-height wide, were carefully shaped with magic to form the various dwelling and workplaces. The entire city, however, is cloaked in twilight and darkness. Most of the great trees have fallen – their trunks shattered and overgrown with moss in the long centuries. The soil and the bark of the tree is blackened – almost as if it was burnt with fire.
Finally, at the center of the city, the companions came upon the greatest of the trees – possibly once a palace of some sort. Now little remains of it except a blackened, shattered stump. There, the companions encountered the ghosts of the former residents of Maanalot. Thousands of them appeared around the tree – floating above the party – one of them tried to speak, but then he started to sing as if compulsed to do so. The other elven ghosts joined in...
The song of the ghostly choir cuts through sanity like a hot knife through butter. The companions went to their knees screaming as their sanity fled from the dark horror invoked by the song. Then, a single pin-point of light settled on Amathyya. The companions could see the color of her pupil change from blue to green. When Amathyya sang, it was no longer the voice of Amathyya but another female voice.
The song of the possessed Amathyya quieted the ghostly choir and the companions gasped in relief as their sanity returned. The voice begged the companions to help all the ghosts – to end the eternal torment that they are enduring. The possessed Amathyya introduced herself as the ghost of Zailaya Helyanwe (the companions have taken to call her “Zaya” for short). Zaya was once a princess and the chief sorceress of Maanalot.
When the companions inquired as to the events of the past, Zaya recounted the last days of the Kingdom of Maanalot. Three thousand years ago, when the serpent-worshipping humans came, they destroyed other elven kingdoms but were checked by the power of the elves of Maanalot. Unable to overcome the grey elves through force of arms, the serpent-worshippers resorted to dark magic.
The magical disease known as Lingering Death swept past the forest guardians of the grey elves. Men, women, and children of the kingdom died by the thousands as the disease raged unchecked. Finally, through her own research and diligent prayers, Zaya has arrived at a cure. By invoking a few of the Words of Creation that were grant her by the Protector (the elven god Corellon) in a song ritual of her own devise, Zaya was to banish the disease from all of Sidrea in one stroke.
However, Zaya didn’t count on the jealousy of her own sisters. Zaya could only speculate on the action of her three sisters – perhaps they were enraged that Zaya, the youngest of them, was the most beautiful and the most talented. Perhaps Zaya’s three elder sisters were angered that the god Corellon rewarded their youngest sister alone for the devotion they all did as their duty. To this day, Zaya could not fathom the reasons behind her sister’s actions.
Nevertheless, at a crucial moment in the song ritual, Zaya’s three elder sisters attacked and killed her. Zaya’s own blood twisted the song ritual (from Kala-lanyale – “the weaving of light” into Mornie-lanya – “the gathering of darkness”). As the darkness gathered, the woods around Maanalot become cursed. Most of the elves in the city of Maanalot died as the darkness drown out the lights of their lives. The ghost of the elves were imprisoned and forced to sing eternally of the dark song – Mornie-lanya. The dark song also cursed Zaya’s three elder sisters and they fled north, taking the focus of the song ritual, the Kala-ng’ande (harp of light) with them.
For centuries, the lonely ghost of Zaya was bound in the ruins of Maanalot, the single sane spirit amongst the insane ghosts of her own people. She wandered the once familiar woods in terrible sadness – thinking that all hope was lost – for only a female descendent of her own blood could untwist the song ritual and undo the damage.
Then, hoping against hope, she first encountered Larkel, who was a male descendent of her blood. It was why Larkel alone, among all the creatures that have traveled into the heart of Ghostwoods in the past three thousand years, was able to return alive, albeit insane. Now, at the last, came Amathyya – a female descendent of her own blood. If only the harp of light was in her possession, the ritual could at last be completed – the damage undone.
The companions then inquired as whether the ritual has the power to cleanse the yuan-ti poison from their blood and lift the curse that Maeruka had laid upon them. Zaya replied that it is a possibility – for the Words of Creation were used by the gods themselves to sing the world into being, and it is possible that the song ritual could remove the curse from the companions.
The companions then agreed to aid Zaya. Amathyya, possessed by Zaya, remained in Maanalot, while the other companions went toward the Wenya-nanda (“Green Swamp”), where Zaya suspects her sisters had fled to.
Haeythir’s owl and Dalrick’s eagle scouted the swamp. The only thing unusual they found is a mound of some sort near where the swamp joins the foothills. A cave opening leads into the mound and the entire area stinks of trolls.
Believing this to be their best lead in the swamp, the companions entered the swamp, heading toward the troll cave. Along the way, the companions discovered foot-prints. Interestingly, among the troll foot-prints are the foot-prints of other creatures. These other creatures with the stride of a troll, and some tracks indicated they traveled with the trolls in the swamp. Despite his wilderness experience, Dalrick did not recognize the tracks of any other creatures that he’s seennor heard of.
Dalrick and Haeythir, one with extensive experience in the wilderness and the other with a great deal of book learning taught the other companions about trolls. They mentioned that trolls are strong, swift creatures with long arms that ended in sharp claws. Troll hides are tough and their bodies heal any wounds inflicted except those via acid or fire.
Arriving at the troll cave, Berek led the way inside. Unfortunately, Berek stepped upon something that triggered a crude trap. Spears rained down on the companions from the ceiling.
Meanwhile, a gong sounded deep within the caves, and three trolls rushed out. Overjoyed by what they consider to be food delivering to their very doorstep, they immediately moved to chow down. Haeythir landed a fireball on the trolls while So’yoko hurt them with his scorching rays.
Berek and Dalrick were in the front and on the receiving end of the attack of the trolls. Dalrick soon suffered dreadful wounds – as troll claws rend into him and nearly tore him apart. An enlarged Berek blocks the cave-mouth, and the trolls, finally realizing the seriousness of the fight, managed to summon some of their friends.
It was a tough fight – with an enlarged Berek using his full combat expertise to doge the trolls’ claws. Meanwhile, Berek blocked the advance of the trolls and kept them inside the cave thus preventing them from harming the more vulnerable companions. Zerkestor attempted to use the Whim of Zethunor – it resulted in a web that trapped both the trolls, Berek and So’yoko.
Although eventually Berek fell beneath the troll’s claws, the trolls were all grievously wounded at this point, and they fell beneath the spell of Haeythir and Dalrick’s sword.
As Zerkestor moves to heal the wounded companions and others sought to burn and destroy the bodies of the fallen trolls, the mystery remained – what is inside the troll cave and would the party find the lost harp of light?
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