Sidrea08b - Cacophony (Into the Ghostwoods, Part 2)
Having destroyed the troll guards earlier, the companions stood at the entrance of the troll mound, peering into the darkness of the caves beyond, uncertain as to what to do.
Further into the cavern the companions could see grisly troll decorations. Bones of every size and description – some chewed on, some yellow with age – have been piled outside the main passage south. Humanoid skulls have been strung upon vines to form several horrid “bead curtains” of sorts that covers the passage ways. A pole stood next to one of the passages with jawbones dangling from it. Finally, as if to cap the nightmarish scene, there was writing upon the wall in dried blood. Crudely formed letters of the language of giants proudly pronounced the word “Jawbreakers” upon the wall. Apparently, the companions have entered the caves of the Jawbreakers troll clan.
Meanwhile, Haeythir had found an uncut jasper gem with a rough vine loop that formed a necklace on one of the vanquished trolls. Although the gem radiated magic, Haeythir was uncertain as to exactly what it is.
Since the companions have no wish to tangle with the trolls unnecessarily, Zerkestor sought to confirm that the kala ng’ande (harp of light) is indeed in the caves. Calling upon the aid of the Surfraiser, Zerkestor cast the spell locate object which confirms that there is indeed a harp inside the troll mound to the south of the companions.
Even as Zerkestor tried to divine the whereabouts of the harp, the other companions could hear the sounds of many trolls just beyond the “bead curtains.” It is clear that the trolls have grown suspicious of the ceasing of the sounds of battle and that their guards have failed to return. Realizing that the companions would not be able to face off many trolls, Haeythir quickly used his rope trick spell to create a pocket of extra-dimensional space where the companions hid.
Hidden by Haeythir’s spell, the companions watched as more than a dozen trolls rushed out to find the charred remains of their guards. Furious, a pair of trolls dashed outside to search for the companions beyond the cave. Three new trolls took up position at the entrance of the caves as the new guards. The pair of trolls soon returns – not having found the companions.
Unfortunately the new troll guards took up positions just below the entrance to the extra-dimensional space where the companions hid. The companions’ hope that the troll guards would grow bored and wander off was soon dashed, even though one of the guards did grow tired and wandered off to take a nap.
The companion spent the time discussing the best approach to bypass the trolls. Eventually, they agreed on a consensus to utilize So’yoko’s invisibility and Zerkestor’s silence spells to bypass the group of trolls. After becoming invisible, Dalrick, trusting in his stealth skills, snuck out of the hidden place to scout around. Unfortunately, the cave is quite dark and that Dalrick was unwilling to risk a light, and so was unable to see much beyond a bit of the caves beyond.
Berek, however, grew impatient with all the stealthy wandering, jumped out of hiding as soon as the silence spell was cast upon him. What follows was an eerily silent battle as the companions sought to kill the two troll guards without alerting the rest of the tribe. The trolls frothed at the mouth and their berserk strength surprised the companions. Despite this, however, the trolls were quick overcome; thanks to the silence spell, the other trolls were none the wiser.
Meanwhile, Dalrick had noticed something very unusual. A large rat was quietly observing the entire battle; it stood up to attract the attention of the companions. The odd rat lacks a skull cap: its brain lay visible and glows slightly. Once Dalrick pointed the rat out, several companions stared at the rat. Several companions sensed that somehow the rat wants the companions to follow it.
Dalrick then cast speak with animal and spoke with the rat. The rat appears amazingly intelligent for a rat. It introduced itself as Nurta – the hidden one, and the hidden many. Nurta wishes to meet the companions in order to find out why they are here and perhaps negotiate with the companions. Seeing a chance to perhaps find a way to reach their goal without going through dozens of trolls, the companions agreed and followed the rat.
The rat led the companions down a water hole in the side cave – where the trolls have been using as a lavatory of sorts (in fact there was a large troll turd floating in the water as the rat jumped into it). Holding back their disgust, the companions followed. Several companions had trouble swimming and Soyoko’s weasel familiar puked during the entire swim. So the companions were much bedraggled as they emerged from the water into the home of Nurta.
Nurta turned out to be a hive mind of sorts – and it’s capable of communicating with the companions telepathically. Since nurta means ‘to hide’ in elven, and Nurta introduced itself as “the hidden one, the hidden many,” Haeythir suspects that the rats may have been changed by the magic on the elven harp of light over the thousands of years.
The companions questioned Nurta about the harp of light. Although the companions had to explain to the rats what a harp is, eventually Nurta indicated that the harp was in the caves and that it’s guarded by the “glowing ones.” Nurta does not understand the “Glowing Ones” and is afraid of them. Nurta is aware of a secret way into the caves of the “Glowing Ones.”
Nurta, in turn, questioned the companions about their purpose in the caves and the fact that they “smell of snakes.” The companions made a good case of convincing Nurta that they are trying to fight against the snakes and that their recovery of the harp would do much to aid the fight. Eventually Nurta was convinced of the companions’ good intentions and promised to help the companions, provided the companions would do a few things for Nurta.
First, the companions need to promise not to kill any more trolls. Nurta is upset already over the trolls that the companions have killed. Many members of Nurta live off the wastes that the trolls discard. So Nurta wants the companions to promise not to kill more trolls.
Second, the companions need to promise to deliver Nurta some goodies. After some discussion, it is apparent that Nurta simply wants some food delivered into the swamp (apparent food is a primary concern for the Nurta).
Finally, Nurta wishes the companions to deliver three rodents from outside of the swamp into the swamp. Apparently, Nurta is curious about the world beyond the swamp. However, when the Nurta rats go much beyond the swamp, their ability to communicate with the hive mind fades. Since Nurta cannot read the humanoid minds, it wishes some rodents from beyond the swamp so as to read their minds and learn of the world beyond.
In return, Nurta will aid the companions in two ways. First, one of the Nurta rats will accompany the companions to the cave of the “Glowing Ones” and show the companions the hidden way there. Then, to prevent the companions from having to fight (thus kill) more trolls, the Nurta will temporarily stun the trolls – enabling the companions to run pass the trolls in safety.
Realizing that what the Nurta wants is well within their power, the companions agreed. Led on by one of Nurta’s rats that took to the waters, the companions emerged out of the swamp waters to arrive in an enormous cavern.
The companions saw a large chest on the shore close to them, and on an island surrounded by bubbling acid, are the ghosts of the three elven women – probably what Nurta meant by the “Glowing Ones.” After some consideration, Soyoko stepped forth to negotiate with ghosts of the three sisters.
The three sisters mentioned that they were overcome by jealousy three thousand years ago, but they greatly repent their crime. They were not themselves as they took the harp and fled into the swamp. Then, they fell into the clutches of the evil creatures (the trolls) in the swamp. Their death did not release them, for they are cursed and are now trapped on this island. So they beg the party to release them.
When asked how they can be released, the sisters beg the companions to take the harp from the large chest and return it to their dead sister. Some companions believe the three sisters but others aren’t so certain.
Not entirely certain of the words of the three sisters, the companions took some precaution before opening the chest. Haeythir put up a wall of ice and only Berek went forward to open the chest. As Berek touched the chest, he triggered a glyph of warding that exploded in a fireball.
Although Berek managed to dodge the worst effects of the explosion, the explosion did destroy large portions of the wall of ice that Haeythir put up. Cackling in glee, the veil spell in the cavern dissolves – reveal not an island in amidst bubbling ice, but amidst simple swamp water, and the three sisters are actually hideous green hags.
Even as the companions’ spells and arrows singed the hags, the hags encased Soyoko in a forcecage spell. Then, one of the hags shifted form into a gigantic snake-like creature known as a behir.
It was then Haeythir recalled the jasper gem that he had found earlier. He realized that the three sisters are a hag covey and that the jasper gem must be a hag’s eye – a scrying device used by the covey. Haeythir also recall that much of the covey’s power comes from the covey acting together and that destroying the hag’s eye would blind one of the hags – reducing their power.
Even as the jasper gem shattered, one of the hags cried in pain clutching at her eyes. Meanwhile, however, the behir slithered forth and Dalrick was hopelessly constricted within its coils.
Unable to use any direct effect spells – Soyoko started to summon creatures to his aid. One of Soyoko’s summoned hippogriffs finished off the blind hag. Things took a turn for the worse, however, as Dalrick was swallowed by the behir and Berek fell unconscious and bleeding from a great bite by the behir.
However, the hags’ triumph proved short-lived as Dalrick cut his way outside the gizzard of the behir – killing it, and Zerkestor managed to kill the last hag between a combination of spells and melee might.
Though bloodied, the companions have, once again, triumphed – and upon the island where the hags had lived, they found the kala ng’ande, the harp of light.
Nurta, true to its word, stun the trolls for short moments – allowing the companions to escape the troll mound. The companions also kept their word, not harming another troll in the mound.
It was another day and a half’s journey for the companions to return to the ruins of Maanalot where the Zaya-possessed Amathyya waited. By then, the companions are suffering from the advancing effects of the yuan-ti poison with uncontrollable tremors. However, Zaya had one last request for the companions.
The darkness that was caused by the tainted ritual three thousand years ago is known as Mornielanya (the gathering of darkness, in elven). Zaya fears that the suffering and bloodshed caused by it over these many years has empowered it and perhaps even gave it sentience. Zaya fears that if she should perform the Kala-lanyale (the weaving of light, in elven), the dark song would take on material form, seeking to stop her. Zaya asks the companions to protect her as she completes her song.
Zerkestor cast augury and received the advice to cast silence against the dark song. The companion conferred and came up with a plan. When the dark song appears in material form, Haeythir would encase everyone in a protective hemi-spherical ice-dome as the companions enhance themselves with spells.
A day later, near dawn, the companions prepared themselves as Zaya began to sing. The ghostly choir of the dark song rose first in an attempt to drown out Zaya’s song. A hellish wind then rose as Zaya’s song continued. From all directions it blew – gathering dark leaves to form a giant pile just in front of the companions. The pile of black leaves grew larger and larger until it is the size of small hillock, then, from the depth of the leave pile came the reddish gleam of fiendish eyes, as black, clawed tentacles whipped out, and a gigantic maw filled with sharp teeth opened.
Realizing that the dark song has materialized, Haeythir then protected everyone with his wall of ice spell. The Mornielanya bashed itself against the ice dome and the ice is clearly cracking under its relentless force. Although the ice dome did eventually shatter, by then the companions were ready. An enlarged Dalrick stood in the way against the dark song as Soyoko weakened it with his ray of enfeeblement.
Despite the preparation of the companions, however, it was a close thing – as the Mornielanya was almost ready to silence Zaya’s song when the party landed the death blow upon it.
As the death-blow on the dark song landed, the dark leaves burst apart. A strange, pleasant smelling wind scattered the leaves until none could be seen. Even as the companions stood, trying to catch their collective breath, they heard the last strains of the Weaving of Light.
The darkness of the forest canopy parted. For the first time in thousands of years the rays of a new dawn shined down upon the ruins of Maanalot. The transparent forms of thousands of elven ghosts rose from the woods. They raised their hands to welcome the light that had been so long denied them as they ascend into the sky.
A black mist lifts from each of the companions who are cursed with the Kiss of Maeruka – and the companions could feel the poison of yuan-ti being cleansed from their body.
Zaya (Zailaya Halyanwe) departed from Amathyya and is the last elven ghost to leave. The companions saw her smiling with ghostly tears streaming down her cheeks: “So it is done. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Not only from me, but from all of my kind – for you have done a great deed – not merely saving us, but our children and our children’s children.”
With a wave of her hand, Zaya revealed to the companions a secret cache containing some treasures and lost lore from the ancient elven kingdom of Maanalot as thanks for the heroes that have ended not merely a curse that lasted three thousand years, but the disease that has killed untold number of elves.
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Epilogue One
A little more than a day later, as the companions took a well-deserved rest and sought to absorb the lost lore of Maanalot, they found dryads, nymphs, pixies, and the treants of Ghostwoods gathered before them. As one they kneeled down before a surprised Amathyya.
A golden haired nymph spoke sadly to Amathyya: “Your highness, I am Serena and I have been chosen to speak for the creatures assembled before you. Your highness, Maanalot is no more, and we, that were her guardians, have failed. Not only did we fail, but we had fallen under the sway of the dark song and committed many dark deeds in the long centuries past. You are the voice that awoke us from that nightmare. We wish to pledge our allegiance to you.”
Amathyya stuttered: “B-But it was not I, but the ghost of Zaya that sang the song.”
The nymph smiled, “The will and knowledge may be that of your departed ancestress, your highness, but the voice and the power is yours. You are the savior of Maanalot and her true princess. Command us.”
Cradling the harp of light in her arms, a look of determination crept into Amathyya’s beautiful face, “You are right. My companions Haeythir and Soyoko have long been trying to convince me of my duty to my suffering elven people – and they are also right. Too long have I clung to my childhood dreams, and even as I hesitate, those whom I am responsible for suffers. I accept your allegiance.”
“I ask you to continue in your duties to protect this forest and to provide a safe haven for those elven refugees who may come here. Let the elves who will, return here to admire the works of their ancestors and let those who will, rebuild the city of blessed flower here as it once stood.”
The nymph Serena smiled, “As you wish, your highness.”
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Epilogue Two
Having returned from his trip to deliver three rodents and various foodstuffs to the rats in Green Swamp, Larkel smiled at the companions.
“Although I can no longer cast spells, it is wonderful to be released from that madness. Once again, I want to say that you have done a great thing here and completed my life-long goal. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.”
“I have spent some time thinking things over. I have decided to stay here in Ghostwoods. I have ever been a seeker of knowledge, and I would be happy to learn what I can of the knowledge that is still here. Princess Amathyya has entrusted Maanalot to me and I will be working with the nymph Serena.”
“Serena has agreed to cast animal messenger for me, and I will be writing to Queen Ielenia. I will inform her of my decisions as well as the joyous discovery of her grand-daughter and your mighty deeds. Should there ever be the opportunity, you should visit the Isle of the Rose, I am sure her majesty would welcome the opportunity to see her grand-daughter and honor all of you.”
Further into the cavern the companions could see grisly troll decorations. Bones of every size and description – some chewed on, some yellow with age – have been piled outside the main passage south. Humanoid skulls have been strung upon vines to form several horrid “bead curtains” of sorts that covers the passage ways. A pole stood next to one of the passages with jawbones dangling from it. Finally, as if to cap the nightmarish scene, there was writing upon the wall in dried blood. Crudely formed letters of the language of giants proudly pronounced the word “Jawbreakers” upon the wall. Apparently, the companions have entered the caves of the Jawbreakers troll clan.
Meanwhile, Haeythir had found an uncut jasper gem with a rough vine loop that formed a necklace on one of the vanquished trolls. Although the gem radiated magic, Haeythir was uncertain as to exactly what it is.
Since the companions have no wish to tangle with the trolls unnecessarily, Zerkestor sought to confirm that the kala ng’ande (harp of light) is indeed in the caves. Calling upon the aid of the Surfraiser, Zerkestor cast the spell locate object which confirms that there is indeed a harp inside the troll mound to the south of the companions.
Even as Zerkestor tried to divine the whereabouts of the harp, the other companions could hear the sounds of many trolls just beyond the “bead curtains.” It is clear that the trolls have grown suspicious of the ceasing of the sounds of battle and that their guards have failed to return. Realizing that the companions would not be able to face off many trolls, Haeythir quickly used his rope trick spell to create a pocket of extra-dimensional space where the companions hid.
Hidden by Haeythir’s spell, the companions watched as more than a dozen trolls rushed out to find the charred remains of their guards. Furious, a pair of trolls dashed outside to search for the companions beyond the cave. Three new trolls took up position at the entrance of the caves as the new guards. The pair of trolls soon returns – not having found the companions.
Unfortunately the new troll guards took up positions just below the entrance to the extra-dimensional space where the companions hid. The companions’ hope that the troll guards would grow bored and wander off was soon dashed, even though one of the guards did grow tired and wandered off to take a nap.
The companion spent the time discussing the best approach to bypass the trolls. Eventually, they agreed on a consensus to utilize So’yoko’s invisibility and Zerkestor’s silence spells to bypass the group of trolls. After becoming invisible, Dalrick, trusting in his stealth skills, snuck out of the hidden place to scout around. Unfortunately, the cave is quite dark and that Dalrick was unwilling to risk a light, and so was unable to see much beyond a bit of the caves beyond.
Berek, however, grew impatient with all the stealthy wandering, jumped out of hiding as soon as the silence spell was cast upon him. What follows was an eerily silent battle as the companions sought to kill the two troll guards without alerting the rest of the tribe. The trolls frothed at the mouth and their berserk strength surprised the companions. Despite this, however, the trolls were quick overcome; thanks to the silence spell, the other trolls were none the wiser.
Meanwhile, Dalrick had noticed something very unusual. A large rat was quietly observing the entire battle; it stood up to attract the attention of the companions. The odd rat lacks a skull cap: its brain lay visible and glows slightly. Once Dalrick pointed the rat out, several companions stared at the rat. Several companions sensed that somehow the rat wants the companions to follow it.
Dalrick then cast speak with animal and spoke with the rat. The rat appears amazingly intelligent for a rat. It introduced itself as Nurta – the hidden one, and the hidden many. Nurta wishes to meet the companions in order to find out why they are here and perhaps negotiate with the companions. Seeing a chance to perhaps find a way to reach their goal without going through dozens of trolls, the companions agreed and followed the rat.
The rat led the companions down a water hole in the side cave – where the trolls have been using as a lavatory of sorts (in fact there was a large troll turd floating in the water as the rat jumped into it). Holding back their disgust, the companions followed. Several companions had trouble swimming and Soyoko’s weasel familiar puked during the entire swim. So the companions were much bedraggled as they emerged from the water into the home of Nurta.
Nurta turned out to be a hive mind of sorts – and it’s capable of communicating with the companions telepathically. Since nurta means ‘to hide’ in elven, and Nurta introduced itself as “the hidden one, the hidden many,” Haeythir suspects that the rats may have been changed by the magic on the elven harp of light over the thousands of years.
The companions questioned Nurta about the harp of light. Although the companions had to explain to the rats what a harp is, eventually Nurta indicated that the harp was in the caves and that it’s guarded by the “glowing ones.” Nurta does not understand the “Glowing Ones” and is afraid of them. Nurta is aware of a secret way into the caves of the “Glowing Ones.”
Nurta, in turn, questioned the companions about their purpose in the caves and the fact that they “smell of snakes.” The companions made a good case of convincing Nurta that they are trying to fight against the snakes and that their recovery of the harp would do much to aid the fight. Eventually Nurta was convinced of the companions’ good intentions and promised to help the companions, provided the companions would do a few things for Nurta.
First, the companions need to promise not to kill any more trolls. Nurta is upset already over the trolls that the companions have killed. Many members of Nurta live off the wastes that the trolls discard. So Nurta wants the companions to promise not to kill more trolls.
Second, the companions need to promise to deliver Nurta some goodies. After some discussion, it is apparent that Nurta simply wants some food delivered into the swamp (apparent food is a primary concern for the Nurta).
Finally, Nurta wishes the companions to deliver three rodents from outside of the swamp into the swamp. Apparently, Nurta is curious about the world beyond the swamp. However, when the Nurta rats go much beyond the swamp, their ability to communicate with the hive mind fades. Since Nurta cannot read the humanoid minds, it wishes some rodents from beyond the swamp so as to read their minds and learn of the world beyond.
In return, Nurta will aid the companions in two ways. First, one of the Nurta rats will accompany the companions to the cave of the “Glowing Ones” and show the companions the hidden way there. Then, to prevent the companions from having to fight (thus kill) more trolls, the Nurta will temporarily stun the trolls – enabling the companions to run pass the trolls in safety.
Realizing that what the Nurta wants is well within their power, the companions agreed. Led on by one of Nurta’s rats that took to the waters, the companions emerged out of the swamp waters to arrive in an enormous cavern.
The companions saw a large chest on the shore close to them, and on an island surrounded by bubbling acid, are the ghosts of the three elven women – probably what Nurta meant by the “Glowing Ones.” After some consideration, Soyoko stepped forth to negotiate with ghosts of the three sisters.
The three sisters mentioned that they were overcome by jealousy three thousand years ago, but they greatly repent their crime. They were not themselves as they took the harp and fled into the swamp. Then, they fell into the clutches of the evil creatures (the trolls) in the swamp. Their death did not release them, for they are cursed and are now trapped on this island. So they beg the party to release them.
When asked how they can be released, the sisters beg the companions to take the harp from the large chest and return it to their dead sister. Some companions believe the three sisters but others aren’t so certain.
Not entirely certain of the words of the three sisters, the companions took some precaution before opening the chest. Haeythir put up a wall of ice and only Berek went forward to open the chest. As Berek touched the chest, he triggered a glyph of warding that exploded in a fireball.
Although Berek managed to dodge the worst effects of the explosion, the explosion did destroy large portions of the wall of ice that Haeythir put up. Cackling in glee, the veil spell in the cavern dissolves – reveal not an island in amidst bubbling ice, but amidst simple swamp water, and the three sisters are actually hideous green hags.
Even as the companions’ spells and arrows singed the hags, the hags encased Soyoko in a forcecage spell. Then, one of the hags shifted form into a gigantic snake-like creature known as a behir.
It was then Haeythir recalled the jasper gem that he had found earlier. He realized that the three sisters are a hag covey and that the jasper gem must be a hag’s eye – a scrying device used by the covey. Haeythir also recall that much of the covey’s power comes from the covey acting together and that destroying the hag’s eye would blind one of the hags – reducing their power.
Even as the jasper gem shattered, one of the hags cried in pain clutching at her eyes. Meanwhile, however, the behir slithered forth and Dalrick was hopelessly constricted within its coils.
Unable to use any direct effect spells – Soyoko started to summon creatures to his aid. One of Soyoko’s summoned hippogriffs finished off the blind hag. Things took a turn for the worse, however, as Dalrick was swallowed by the behir and Berek fell unconscious and bleeding from a great bite by the behir.
However, the hags’ triumph proved short-lived as Dalrick cut his way outside the gizzard of the behir – killing it, and Zerkestor managed to kill the last hag between a combination of spells and melee might.
Though bloodied, the companions have, once again, triumphed – and upon the island where the hags had lived, they found the kala ng’ande, the harp of light.
Nurta, true to its word, stun the trolls for short moments – allowing the companions to escape the troll mound. The companions also kept their word, not harming another troll in the mound.
It was another day and a half’s journey for the companions to return to the ruins of Maanalot where the Zaya-possessed Amathyya waited. By then, the companions are suffering from the advancing effects of the yuan-ti poison with uncontrollable tremors. However, Zaya had one last request for the companions.
The darkness that was caused by the tainted ritual three thousand years ago is known as Mornielanya (the gathering of darkness, in elven). Zaya fears that the suffering and bloodshed caused by it over these many years has empowered it and perhaps even gave it sentience. Zaya fears that if she should perform the Kala-lanyale (the weaving of light, in elven), the dark song would take on material form, seeking to stop her. Zaya asks the companions to protect her as she completes her song.
Zerkestor cast augury and received the advice to cast silence against the dark song. The companion conferred and came up with a plan. When the dark song appears in material form, Haeythir would encase everyone in a protective hemi-spherical ice-dome as the companions enhance themselves with spells.
A day later, near dawn, the companions prepared themselves as Zaya began to sing. The ghostly choir of the dark song rose first in an attempt to drown out Zaya’s song. A hellish wind then rose as Zaya’s song continued. From all directions it blew – gathering dark leaves to form a giant pile just in front of the companions. The pile of black leaves grew larger and larger until it is the size of small hillock, then, from the depth of the leave pile came the reddish gleam of fiendish eyes, as black, clawed tentacles whipped out, and a gigantic maw filled with sharp teeth opened.
Realizing that the dark song has materialized, Haeythir then protected everyone with his wall of ice spell. The Mornielanya bashed itself against the ice dome and the ice is clearly cracking under its relentless force. Although the ice dome did eventually shatter, by then the companions were ready. An enlarged Dalrick stood in the way against the dark song as Soyoko weakened it with his ray of enfeeblement.
Despite the preparation of the companions, however, it was a close thing – as the Mornielanya was almost ready to silence Zaya’s song when the party landed the death blow upon it.
As the death-blow on the dark song landed, the dark leaves burst apart. A strange, pleasant smelling wind scattered the leaves until none could be seen. Even as the companions stood, trying to catch their collective breath, they heard the last strains of the Weaving of Light.
The darkness of the forest canopy parted. For the first time in thousands of years the rays of a new dawn shined down upon the ruins of Maanalot. The transparent forms of thousands of elven ghosts rose from the woods. They raised their hands to welcome the light that had been so long denied them as they ascend into the sky.
A black mist lifts from each of the companions who are cursed with the Kiss of Maeruka – and the companions could feel the poison of yuan-ti being cleansed from their body.
Zaya (Zailaya Halyanwe) departed from Amathyya and is the last elven ghost to leave. The companions saw her smiling with ghostly tears streaming down her cheeks: “So it is done. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Not only from me, but from all of my kind – for you have done a great deed – not merely saving us, but our children and our children’s children.”
With a wave of her hand, Zaya revealed to the companions a secret cache containing some treasures and lost lore from the ancient elven kingdom of Maanalot as thanks for the heroes that have ended not merely a curse that lasted three thousand years, but the disease that has killed untold number of elves.
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Epilogue One
A little more than a day later, as the companions took a well-deserved rest and sought to absorb the lost lore of Maanalot, they found dryads, nymphs, pixies, and the treants of Ghostwoods gathered before them. As one they kneeled down before a surprised Amathyya.
A golden haired nymph spoke sadly to Amathyya: “Your highness, I am Serena and I have been chosen to speak for the creatures assembled before you. Your highness, Maanalot is no more, and we, that were her guardians, have failed. Not only did we fail, but we had fallen under the sway of the dark song and committed many dark deeds in the long centuries past. You are the voice that awoke us from that nightmare. We wish to pledge our allegiance to you.”
Amathyya stuttered: “B-But it was not I, but the ghost of Zaya that sang the song.”
The nymph smiled, “The will and knowledge may be that of your departed ancestress, your highness, but the voice and the power is yours. You are the savior of Maanalot and her true princess. Command us.”
Cradling the harp of light in her arms, a look of determination crept into Amathyya’s beautiful face, “You are right. My companions Haeythir and Soyoko have long been trying to convince me of my duty to my suffering elven people – and they are also right. Too long have I clung to my childhood dreams, and even as I hesitate, those whom I am responsible for suffers. I accept your allegiance.”
“I ask you to continue in your duties to protect this forest and to provide a safe haven for those elven refugees who may come here. Let the elves who will, return here to admire the works of their ancestors and let those who will, rebuild the city of blessed flower here as it once stood.”
The nymph Serena smiled, “As you wish, your highness.”
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Epilogue Two
Having returned from his trip to deliver three rodents and various foodstuffs to the rats in Green Swamp, Larkel smiled at the companions.
“Although I can no longer cast spells, it is wonderful to be released from that madness. Once again, I want to say that you have done a great thing here and completed my life-long goal. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.”
“I have spent some time thinking things over. I have decided to stay here in Ghostwoods. I have ever been a seeker of knowledge, and I would be happy to learn what I can of the knowledge that is still here. Princess Amathyya has entrusted Maanalot to me and I will be working with the nymph Serena.”
“Serena has agreed to cast animal messenger for me, and I will be writing to Queen Ielenia. I will inform her of my decisions as well as the joyous discovery of her grand-daughter and your mighty deeds. Should there ever be the opportunity, you should visit the Isle of the Rose, I am sure her majesty would welcome the opportunity to see her grand-daughter and honor all of you.”
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