Sidrea10b - White and Red
Following the various warning signs that there is something amiss on the river, the companions decided to gather more information ashore as they proceeds down the river. Soyoko was sent on the small one person skiff to a small fishing village just downstream. At the village, Soyoko talked to a blacksmith and found out that there isn’t much unusual going on around the village except that the local guardsmen are hanging a poacher. The blacksmith, however, believes that the poacher should not be hung.
The law is that the poaching of a first deer will result in a fine. The second deer will result in prison time. The third deer will result in hanging. The guards had found two deer torn apart in the woods and were uncertain of what had happened. They then managed to catch this boatman poaching and blamed the death of all three deer on him. So they are hanging him.
Soyoko went to the hanging and talked to the magistrate on the boatman’s behalf. The magistrate agrees to postponed the hanging and provide the guides to the places where they had buried the deer. Several other companions then joined Soyoko in the investigation. They found that the first deer seems, in fact, to have been torn apart by ghouls. The second deer seems to have been bit in half. The slight sulfurous smell and a faint footprint nearby indicate that the creature might have, indeed, been a legendary red dragon.
The companions then went to the magistrate with the results of the investigation. The word that evidence points to undead being close to his town shocked the magistrate. He rewarded the companions with a masterwork silvered quarterstaff for their efforts – and the boatman’s sentence was reduced to the fine for the single deer which he poached.
Zerkestor is worried after been confronted by hard evidence that a legendary dragon might be allied against the companions. Casting Divination, Zerkestor asked for guidance from his god, the Surf Raiser. The Surf-Raiser told Zerkestor to “purchase the purple potions in the village.”
Zerkestor went to the local apothecary, and sure enough, the herbalist had some purple potions for sale. The herbalist wasn’t sure what the potions were, but it had been left to him by his father. Following some haggling, the companions bought the half-dozen of bubbling purple potions in ceramic jars.
In the early evening of the same day, the party proceeded down river and entered an foggy area. From the fog, a water nymph approached the flotilla. Asking for Amathyya, the nymph told them that she bears a warning for the companions. Apparently, the nymph knew of Amathyya and the companions’ role in lifting the curse of Ghostwoods – so she thought to help the companions out. She told the companions that many dozens of undead waits for them downstream, led by a lone horseman whose steed can stride atop of water.
The companions thanked the nymph and proceed to prepare for the attack.
Berek suspects that the lone horseman was none other than Caelin – the priest of Nerull who was killed by the companions and then returned as a death-knight.
The ships of the flotilla moved to the northern bank with the galley the party is staying on leading. Pickets were sent out to give advance warning. Shortly after midnight, however, a dense fog moved in – limiting vision to less than twenty feet. Then, around 2am, some of the companions picked on heads bobbing on the river – the lacedons, or aquatic ghouls are coming.
Support the assault are strange ghouls with spells stitched into their skins. As fireballs burst atop the ships, the ghouls swarmed aboard. Although the marines of the ship and the countess’ elite guards suffered heavy casualties, the companions were able to destroy many of the ghouls. A quick glimpse in the direct of the yacht, however, showed the companions that things were not going so well there…
However, the companions’ success had drawn the attention of the leader of the ghouls. Atop his skeletal horse, Caelin, the priest of Nerull turned death-knight appeared. Seeing the companions and realizing that the companions must be guarding the real countess, Caelin immediately commanded his ghoul horde to assault the ship the companion is on.
A single confusion spell from Caelin disabled Zerkestor, Haeythir, several marines, and elite bodyguards. As Berek rushed forward against the death-knight he was held helpless in paralysis. However, the table soon turned against the ghoul horde. Even as Berek snapped out of the hold person spell, Dalrick came to the aid of the other companions. Caelin was wounded by Berek and finished off by Haeythir’s spell. With their leader dead, the ghouls fled – only to be mopped up by Soyoko’s spells.
It was a hard-fought battle but the companions had won the day. They had little time to savor their victory, however, as they made emergency repairs to the ships and continued downstream…
The next day, the flotilla was reinforced by two other galleys. During the night, the flotilla had passed the sandbar that separates the upper Arlog River from the lower. The reinforcements were shocked by the damage they saw on the ships – for most had thought this to be a routine escort mission. Embar summoned all the captains, however, and impressed on them the severity of the situation.
The companions were in a separate, private conference when Embar and the captains of the other ships knocked on the door. Apparently there was something that they wish to discuss with the companions. Once the door is closed, the senior captain, named Captain Orvyn, confronted Amathyya as to her identity. Once his suspicion is confirmed, the captain revealed that Amathyya is indeed the lost daughter of Thimmon IV. (See subsequent post on the story of Captain Orvyn). Captain Orvyn gave Amathyya the Jasper Amulet – one of the items traditionally carried by the heir to the Jasper Throne.
Still mulling over this last bit of news, the companions realized that their mission is now even more critical then ever, for not only does their little ship contain the Countess Areth, but Amathyya – the true heir to the Empire.
Once again, Zerkestor sought guidance from his god, Zethunor, asking him whether the companions should sally forth to find and take out the dragon directly, rather than waiting with the flotilla. The answer the came, however, was surprising – “The dragons shall come to you.”
Stunned by the revelation, the companions decided to make best speed down river. Yet, that very night, as Dalrick patrolled the deck he saw dark shapes blotting out the starry sky and approaching – “DRAGONS!” The yell went aboard…
Three shapes approached at a rapid speed – two larger dragons and a smaller one. Dalrick’s arrows had little effect against the dragon’s tough hides. As the black shadow of the dragons flitted across the ship, a terrible fear grabbed the hearts of stout warriors. Whether sailors, marines, or elite guardsmen, the soldiers abandoned their posts and dove into the river. Even some of the companions were shaken by the terrible presence of the dreadful creatures.
The dragons breathed on the two reinforcing galleys and the yacht, only skipping the ship that the companions were on. The companions had, by this time, downed the purple potion (it turned out to be potions of fire energy protection) and sought to confront the dragons.
Berek aided by his haste spell struck at the largest dragon and manage to hurt it somewhat. The dragon, however, was unfazed by Berek and its breath burnt right through the fire protection on Berek. The dragon then roared something in draconic (which only Haeythir understood): “Gamaliel, finish these off – we have business further north.” The two larger dragons then turned north.
Dalrick and Berek then rushed to the rear of the ship as the smaller dragon now turned toward the companions. Berek, once again, was held by a spell cast by one of the departing dragons. Like the mighty creature it is, the dragon shrugged off the spells from various casters and took Dalrick down in a single round. The companions dodged aside as the dragon bore down on them.
Berek went down before the dragon’s fiery breath, but Soyoko managed to score several rays of enfeeblement on the dragon – greatly reducing its melee capability. Finally between the acid blasts from Haeythir and Berek’s blade, the dragon has had too much. It fled, flying north and cursing the companions – roaring that it will long remember them.
The companions look around, and the damage from the battle was everywhere. All of the other ships had been burnt to the waterline by the dragon fire. The bodies of the dead and dying from the other ships are everywhere. Nevertheless, despite of everything, the companions survived and even managed to drive off a dragon.
Embar Darokar, the spymaster who had hired the companions is dead. Zerkestor opened Embar’s last letter, which he had given to Zerkestor in case of something happening to him. The letter revealed that the Atroans had been trying to support various Rondor nobles against Ben-Edara. Within the letter, Embar asked the companions to continue his work. Finally Embar wrote that the companions can re-unite with the other Atroans at the House of the Sword Saint.
Seeing the wreckage around them, the companions did what they could and rescued the survivors off the other ship and repaired their own badly battered galley. At a greatly slowed pace, they proceeded down river during the night. However, it was clear that something is wrong…
As they grew closer to Arthadan, they could see the city outlined by fire in the horizon – Arthadan is in flames…
The law is that the poaching of a first deer will result in a fine. The second deer will result in prison time. The third deer will result in hanging. The guards had found two deer torn apart in the woods and were uncertain of what had happened. They then managed to catch this boatman poaching and blamed the death of all three deer on him. So they are hanging him.
Soyoko went to the hanging and talked to the magistrate on the boatman’s behalf. The magistrate agrees to postponed the hanging and provide the guides to the places where they had buried the deer. Several other companions then joined Soyoko in the investigation. They found that the first deer seems, in fact, to have been torn apart by ghouls. The second deer seems to have been bit in half. The slight sulfurous smell and a faint footprint nearby indicate that the creature might have, indeed, been a legendary red dragon.
The companions then went to the magistrate with the results of the investigation. The word that evidence points to undead being close to his town shocked the magistrate. He rewarded the companions with a masterwork silvered quarterstaff for their efforts – and the boatman’s sentence was reduced to the fine for the single deer which he poached.
Zerkestor is worried after been confronted by hard evidence that a legendary dragon might be allied against the companions. Casting Divination, Zerkestor asked for guidance from his god, the Surf Raiser. The Surf-Raiser told Zerkestor to “purchase the purple potions in the village.”
Zerkestor went to the local apothecary, and sure enough, the herbalist had some purple potions for sale. The herbalist wasn’t sure what the potions were, but it had been left to him by his father. Following some haggling, the companions bought the half-dozen of bubbling purple potions in ceramic jars.
In the early evening of the same day, the party proceeded down river and entered an foggy area. From the fog, a water nymph approached the flotilla. Asking for Amathyya, the nymph told them that she bears a warning for the companions. Apparently, the nymph knew of Amathyya and the companions’ role in lifting the curse of Ghostwoods – so she thought to help the companions out. She told the companions that many dozens of undead waits for them downstream, led by a lone horseman whose steed can stride atop of water.
The companions thanked the nymph and proceed to prepare for the attack.
Berek suspects that the lone horseman was none other than Caelin – the priest of Nerull who was killed by the companions and then returned as a death-knight.
The ships of the flotilla moved to the northern bank with the galley the party is staying on leading. Pickets were sent out to give advance warning. Shortly after midnight, however, a dense fog moved in – limiting vision to less than twenty feet. Then, around 2am, some of the companions picked on heads bobbing on the river – the lacedons, or aquatic ghouls are coming.
Support the assault are strange ghouls with spells stitched into their skins. As fireballs burst atop the ships, the ghouls swarmed aboard. Although the marines of the ship and the countess’ elite guards suffered heavy casualties, the companions were able to destroy many of the ghouls. A quick glimpse in the direct of the yacht, however, showed the companions that things were not going so well there…
However, the companions’ success had drawn the attention of the leader of the ghouls. Atop his skeletal horse, Caelin, the priest of Nerull turned death-knight appeared. Seeing the companions and realizing that the companions must be guarding the real countess, Caelin immediately commanded his ghoul horde to assault the ship the companion is on.
A single confusion spell from Caelin disabled Zerkestor, Haeythir, several marines, and elite bodyguards. As Berek rushed forward against the death-knight he was held helpless in paralysis. However, the table soon turned against the ghoul horde. Even as Berek snapped out of the hold person spell, Dalrick came to the aid of the other companions. Caelin was wounded by Berek and finished off by Haeythir’s spell. With their leader dead, the ghouls fled – only to be mopped up by Soyoko’s spells.
It was a hard-fought battle but the companions had won the day. They had little time to savor their victory, however, as they made emergency repairs to the ships and continued downstream…
The next day, the flotilla was reinforced by two other galleys. During the night, the flotilla had passed the sandbar that separates the upper Arlog River from the lower. The reinforcements were shocked by the damage they saw on the ships – for most had thought this to be a routine escort mission. Embar summoned all the captains, however, and impressed on them the severity of the situation.
The companions were in a separate, private conference when Embar and the captains of the other ships knocked on the door. Apparently there was something that they wish to discuss with the companions. Once the door is closed, the senior captain, named Captain Orvyn, confronted Amathyya as to her identity. Once his suspicion is confirmed, the captain revealed that Amathyya is indeed the lost daughter of Thimmon IV. (See subsequent post on the story of Captain Orvyn). Captain Orvyn gave Amathyya the Jasper Amulet – one of the items traditionally carried by the heir to the Jasper Throne.
Still mulling over this last bit of news, the companions realized that their mission is now even more critical then ever, for not only does their little ship contain the Countess Areth, but Amathyya – the true heir to the Empire.
Once again, Zerkestor sought guidance from his god, Zethunor, asking him whether the companions should sally forth to find and take out the dragon directly, rather than waiting with the flotilla. The answer the came, however, was surprising – “The dragons shall come to you.”
Stunned by the revelation, the companions decided to make best speed down river. Yet, that very night, as Dalrick patrolled the deck he saw dark shapes blotting out the starry sky and approaching – “DRAGONS!” The yell went aboard…
Three shapes approached at a rapid speed – two larger dragons and a smaller one. Dalrick’s arrows had little effect against the dragon’s tough hides. As the black shadow of the dragons flitted across the ship, a terrible fear grabbed the hearts of stout warriors. Whether sailors, marines, or elite guardsmen, the soldiers abandoned their posts and dove into the river. Even some of the companions were shaken by the terrible presence of the dreadful creatures.
The dragons breathed on the two reinforcing galleys and the yacht, only skipping the ship that the companions were on. The companions had, by this time, downed the purple potion (it turned out to be potions of fire energy protection) and sought to confront the dragons.
Berek aided by his haste spell struck at the largest dragon and manage to hurt it somewhat. The dragon, however, was unfazed by Berek and its breath burnt right through the fire protection on Berek. The dragon then roared something in draconic (which only Haeythir understood): “Gamaliel, finish these off – we have business further north.” The two larger dragons then turned north.
Dalrick and Berek then rushed to the rear of the ship as the smaller dragon now turned toward the companions. Berek, once again, was held by a spell cast by one of the departing dragons. Like the mighty creature it is, the dragon shrugged off the spells from various casters and took Dalrick down in a single round. The companions dodged aside as the dragon bore down on them.
Berek went down before the dragon’s fiery breath, but Soyoko managed to score several rays of enfeeblement on the dragon – greatly reducing its melee capability. Finally between the acid blasts from Haeythir and Berek’s blade, the dragon has had too much. It fled, flying north and cursing the companions – roaring that it will long remember them.
The companions look around, and the damage from the battle was everywhere. All of the other ships had been burnt to the waterline by the dragon fire. The bodies of the dead and dying from the other ships are everywhere. Nevertheless, despite of everything, the companions survived and even managed to drive off a dragon.
Embar Darokar, the spymaster who had hired the companions is dead. Zerkestor opened Embar’s last letter, which he had given to Zerkestor in case of something happening to him. The letter revealed that the Atroans had been trying to support various Rondor nobles against Ben-Edara. Within the letter, Embar asked the companions to continue his work. Finally Embar wrote that the companions can re-unite with the other Atroans at the House of the Sword Saint.
Seeing the wreckage around them, the companions did what they could and rescued the survivors off the other ship and repaired their own badly battered galley. At a greatly slowed pace, they proceeded down river during the night. However, it was clear that something is wrong…
As they grew closer to Arthadan, they could see the city outlined by fire in the horizon – Arthadan is in flames…