Sidrea Playlog

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sidrea12 - Snake in the Grass

The session begins with the companions a mile from the East Gate into Arthadan. Although the companions survived a deadly encounter with a demonic arachnid, it was a hard-fought victory and the group decided to rest and regroup prior to their attempt to infiltrate the city.

Using his rope-trick spell, Haeythir managed to create a safe area for the companions – where they rested for the night and recovered their magical abilities. The next morning, the companions approached the gate.

The walls of Arthadan are imposing – more than 40-feet tall, the gate is guarded by flanking towers. The sharp eyes of Haeythir and Dalrick picked out several lizardman sentries on the wall and within the guard tower.

It is clear that although the drawbridge is down, the gates are closed with a heavy iron portcullis.

After some argument, the group decided to send Dalrick and Zerkestor over the walls with invisibility and spider climbing. Once over the wall, Zerkestor will create a distraction while Dalrick locate and use the mechanism that would open the gates for the rest of the group to enter.

Dalrick managed to slip over the walls undetected. However, Zerkestor, walking toward the gate, clanking in his full-plate armor, immediately drew the guards’ attention. Although they could not see Zerkestor, they could hear him just fine.

While Zerkestor held the guards’ attention, Dalrick slipped into the guard station and found the mechanism that would open the gate. The lizardman had apparently jammed the cogs of the mechanism with a few small logs. Dalrick then moved to pull out one of the log. Only then did he notice, too late, a small rune carved on the log.

The rune of confusion took effect, and Dalrick first gibbered for a while, then ran out. Meanwhile, Zerkestor was fighting the two lizardman sentries. The might of Zethunor was with the cleric, as his mighty morning star sent one lizard man flying like a rag-doll, and hammered the second into the ground.

Meanwhile, Berek, waiting outside the city, was getting impatient. After seeing the sentries disappeared from the wall, he rushed forward. Utilizing the spider-climbing spell that Seleth (his cohort) had given him, he climbed over the wall. Then, he entered the guard station. Failing to detect the trap, Berek triggered the rune and was similarly confused.

Dalrick, by this time, was just behind Berek. Berek simply turned around and cut his companion down! Still under the effect of confusion, Berek then ran off gibbering.

Finally, Zerkestor arrived at the guard-station. The cleric managed to figure out the problem with the cogs and got the gates open. The companions then managed to enter the city.

Apparently, the companions made an incredibly astute move – for the entire area around the East Gate was lightly guarded. The lizard men sentries on the walls had been all the resistance that the companions encountered. Soon, the companions arrived near the Temple of Alioch – the Sword Saint and God of Military Expertise.

The entire temple was built like a fortress and there was a killing field around the temple, where no structures were built. The entire fortress was shielded with a glimmering field of dispel magic. Even as the companions watched, several squads of lizard-men rushed toward the temple, only to be incinerated by lightning bolts.

Realizing that they would be considered as enemies unless they prove themselves to the priests of Alioch, the companions sent Dalrick’s eagle ahead, carrying a note explaining their presence. Apparently the note was well received, for the companions managed to make safely into the walls of the fortress temple.

Once inside, the companions were escorted to the second level of the temple, into a grand council room, where they met the Delshan Oracle. The oracle turned out to be a tiny halfling woman named Oiolossa. The oracle revealed that her meeting the companions means that the time of the prophesy is now at hand.

She explained to the companions that they are the Godborn – those who descends from the younger gods and in whom, the divine power flows strongly. It was why the Atroans had picked them for their school – for the secret purpose of the school was to train and guard the godborns so that they may fight the enemy.

Haeythir is the godborn of Baccob – the uncaring archmage of the gods.
Soyoko is the godborn of Eleema – the goddess of night and dreams.
Berek is the godborn of Moradain – the god of dwarves and the soul forger.
Zerkestor is the godborn of Zethunor – the god of seas and weather.
Dalrick is the godborn of Trinity – of equal aspect of Pelor (Sun) / Eleema (Night) / Selene (Moon)

Together – the companions are the child of yesterday – who were foretold to be the champions that would protect the child beget of violence and lust (Amathyya). Only with the crowning of Amathyya – and her growing power with the Words of Creation could the mortal children of the younger gods (humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc.) stand against the re-awakening of Merrshaulk.

Merrshaulk will re-awaken in the next lunar eclipse, which is nearly a year away…

The oracle has apparently been eagerly awaiting the companions – for she mentioned that Dethira (the mistress of combat arts under whom the companions studied in the Atroan School) had been scrying upon the companions. This got the companions quite suspicious as Dethira entered the chamber with her escort – a big burly man named Valien.

The companion greeted Dethira and made some arrangement for the night when Valien leaned over to Dethira and whispered a few words.

Before anyone else could react, Dethira cast a spell and turned invisible. Valien then drew sword and charged the companions.

Things quickly went from bad to worse for the companions as Dalrick fell under Valien’s blade and Berek fell under Dethira’s domination spell and turned on his companions. Seleth, Berek’s follower, was slain by her own master’s sword. Haeythir made an attempt to defeat Dethira’s spell by using protection against evil to block out Dethira’s mental orders.

The companions managed to kill Valien. However, Dethira had summoned three fiendish dire wolves to her aid. She enlarged them and the wolves set upon the companions. Berek managed to take down two of the wolves before Dethira dispelled Haeythir’s protection from evil spell. Berek, once again, turned on his companions. Soyoko fell below Berek’s sword before Berek managed to gather enough will power to break the spell.

Dethira, however, then tossed a confusion spell into the middle of the companions. Both Haeythir and Berek were confused. Although the mage’s feeble melee attacks were of little concern, Berek’s attacks are another matter altogether.

Meanwhile, Soyoko had summoned a hell hound, whose scent ability finally pin-pointed Dethira’s location. Dalrick (who had been healed by Zerkestor and is now back on his feet) managed to put an arrow in the wizardess before turning around to see Berek bearing down on him.

Even as Dalrick went down, the table turned against Dethira, as Soyoko hurt her with a fireball. She fled out the room, with the hell hound on her tail. Zerkestor and Soyoko follow the hell hound, only to find the hell hound barking at a wall of force that Dethira used to ensure her escape.

Meanwhile, a gibbering Berek amidst dead bodies and smashed furniture greeted some Knights of the Sword that finally entered the council chamber…

The Knights of the Sword mounted a search of their fortress for the traitor, but found no trace of her. Dalrick, despite his tracking skills, also found no clue of her whereabouts.

Exhausted, the companions rested for the night – only to be greeted next morning with a new conundrum. The oracle had requested and received divine guidance regarding the whereabouts of the Serpent Gate that was teleporting the lizard men into the city. The reply was in the form of a riddle:
A mine shaft into the ground
That produces neither metal nor gem;
Yet at the seas where no oars dip,
Its produce is worth more than seams of gold.
By way of the mine-shaft in the temple of the prince of swords, thou should seek out the aid of the rock-eater.

What would the companions do next?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sidrea11 – Arthadan in Flames

The session begins where the adventure had left off last time – the companions had driven off the red dragon and saved their ship – although the rest of the flotilla had been destroyed. The companions had managed to rescue some of the sailor – and although the galley was damaged it soon managed to get underway.

Soon, it became apparent that not all is well is Arthadan – for the horizon glows red. Even more than a dozen miles away, one can see that Arthadan is in flames.

At first, the companions thought that the dragons they had encountered had burnt the city. Zerkestor, however, went among the fleeing refugees to gather more information. Soon, from the refugees’ tales, it became apparent that many lizard-like creatures had appeared in the city overnight – overrun most of the eastern half of the city and set it aflame.

While speaking with the refugees ashore, Zerkestor encounter a herald holding the banner of the Arch-duke Iorlas. He seems to have done some hard-riding and looks exhausted – but he asks Zerkestor to take him back to the ship, as he has a message for Alaurenz. Zerkestor agreed, and the herald was soon aboard the galley. The herald then gave Alaurenz a small package, upon opening the package, Alaurenz turned a pasty white.

Alaurenz then calmed himself and closeted himself with the herald for some moments before asking the companions to join them. Alaurenz then revealed that he is, in fact, Kailimos – the son of Arch-duke Iorlas. Kailimos had disguised himself as Embar Darokar’s assistant so that he might take a look and get to know his bride, the Countess Areth, before they’re wed.

The herald brought terrible news – the companions, apparently, were not the dragons’ main target. Instead the dragons’ main target was the Arch-duke Iorlas. Two great dragons assaulted the Arch-duke’s camp – scattering the ducal guards and burnt everything. The Arch-duke was torn apart by the dragons – and it was by the merest chance that one of his men was able to save the ducal signet.

Even as the companions drew apart to discuss this latest development in private, Kailimos seems troubled – and he was seen in an animated discussion with Amathyya.

Later on, as the companions’ discussion wind down, the herald once again asked the companions to attend Kailimos. There, in the ship’s cabinet, with the herald and the companions as witness, Kailimos swore fealty to Amathyya.

It was a day of couriers bearing ill news. Soon after the secret ceremony, another courier hailed galley and was brought on board. This courier was from Arthadan and sent to look for Kailimos – for much of Arthadan is now in enemy hands, including some of its strongest fortifications, and it would require careful navigation for the galley to reach Fort Shaehan, where most of the arch-duke’s remaining commanders are gathered.

The progress was slow and tortuous – it was late morning when the galley finally reached Fort Shaehan. There a military council was immediately held, where the companions attended as special advisors to the duke. Fear was and the duke’s commanders presented a grim picture.

The overall picture is grim: it seems clear that Count Ben-Edara, the ruler of northern Rondor, had been preparing for an attack for some time. For less than a week ago, his fleet had sailed across the Apella Cove and landed considerable forces just north of Arthadan. At the border, his troops also launched attack against two of the major towns. At Ginalla, the northerner were beat back with heavy loses, but Thanil – one of the city that was declared a safe-haven for elven refugees from the north, is now besieged.

Closer to home, the picture is grimmer still. Thousands of lizard-men had somehow made their way into the city of Arthadan. Most of the eastern city – including the ducal palace, had been overrun. The naval yard is still held by a combination of what’s left of the ducal guards and some marine detachments. Unfortunately, the enemies have taken Fort Phelian – a fortress with special long range trebuchets. With Fort Phelian in enemy hands, most of the fleet is now bottled up in the naval yard.

In addition to the naval yard, it seems that the Knights of the Cudgel (the worshippers of St. Cuthbert) and Knight of the Sword (the worshippers of Alioch) had both held onto their temples.

The military commanders proposed to assault Fort Phelian. For without the fleet, the supply line of the enemy legions that landed in southern Apella Cove cannot be cut. Without cutting the supply line of those enemy troops, they will soon march south and take Arthadan. The loss of the ducal capital will likely spell the collapse of the entire duchy and victory for Ben-Edara.

The commanders of the forces within the city, however, propose to drive back the bridgehead that the enemy has established in the western half of the city prior to anything else.

After a great deal of discussion, the companions decided to do what they can in aid of the bridgehead situation. After which, they will sneak to the eastern shore at some point north of the city – then doubling back, they will sneak into the city from its eastern walls, where there is likely to be fewer enemies.

At Fort Shaehan, the companion also picked up an unlikely ally. Apparently, a female human mage named Seleth had been having strange dreams. When she encountered Berek in the castle hallways, she immediately recognized him as someone from her dreams. Uncertain what to make of it, she decided that she would join with the companions for some time to see how things would develop…


The companions arrived at the bridge-head just as a fresh unit of lizard-men began their assault. It was soon clear that the companions had arrived just in time, for the elite lizard-men warriors, supported by their shamans, were cutting through the badly depleted human soldiers.

Berek, Soyoko and Seleth took the right flank. Haeythir and Zerketor took the center, while Dalrick decided that his archery would enable him to hold the left by himself.

The battle started off well enough. Soyoko’s confusion spell completely disrupted the lizard-men’s assault on the right as the lizard-men started attacking each other. Haeythir’s empowered acid ball stalled the lizard-men’s attack in the center – and Dalrick shot a lizard-men right through the head.

However, the battle soon grew dangerous – a sleep spell from the lizard-men shaman put the human troops to sleep as a fireball burst around the tower where Haeythir stood.

A clever shaman then conjured a mist around Dalrick – neutralizing his deadly archery.

In both the right flank and the center, the companions were able to neutralize the enemy shaman and destroy their elite troops. On the left flank, however, Dalrick soon find himself surrounded by lizard-men. Berek rushed to his aid from the right flank, but a lucky blow from a lizard-man grievously wounds the warrior.

Eventually, the companions were able to overcome the lizard-men – just in time as the reinforcement came up and drove the discouraged lizard-men back to the bridge.

Having halted the lizard-men’s advance toward the western portion of the city, the companions now proceeded with their plan.


The companions managed to cross the river and land at the north side of the city without any through. They then managed to double back toward the eastern walls of the city. Half-way through the journey, Berek suddenly got a feeling that someone is looking at him. The companions fan out in search of someone invisible, but did not find anyone.

Then, some time later, just as the companions approached the eastern gate, a few of the companions caught sight of something silvery that dropped from the sky and landed about twenty feet in front of the companions.

Dalrick rushed forward to engage it. Berek was frightened and dashed backwards. Then there was a brief shimmer and a enormous hideous spider with poisonous fangs materialized where the silvery object had landed.

It immediately bit Dalrick and the ranger screamed as it injected him with its deadly venom. Its claws struck the ranger, holding him in its deadly embrace.

The companions rallied to attack the deadly arachnid. However, it suddenly disappeared – taking Dalrick with him. Then it reappeared amidst the companions, dropping an unconscious Dalrick behind it.

Seleth was bitten and fell. Haeythir was grappled and once again vanished with the arachnid. However, when the dreadful arachnid returned, dropping a nearly dead Haeythir before it, the remaining companions were ready for it – finally vanquishing it.

As the arachnid collapsed with the final blow, it disappeared in a cloud of foul vapor – only leaving behind a silvery cloak clasp. Upon close examination, one can see that the cloak clasp is shaped like a spider shaped cloak clasp and is now broken.

It was only later, once Dalrick and Haeythir were revived that the companions discovered the creature to be a bebilith – a demonic spider. This particular one is strange though, as it possesses the ability to teleport into a pocket dimension where time travels quickly – enabling its poison to act quickly.

All of which leaves the question of who knew of the companions’ whereabouts and could command such a creature against them?